Can I give my dog pumpkin?

Can I Give My Dog Pumpkin?Some folks give their dogs pumpkin to naturally clear up constipation. There are actually many health benefits associated with this food and lots of pet parents absolutely swear by it.

Pumpkin is a vegetable that can work well to settle down your dog’s digestive system. This includes bouts of diarrhea and upset stomach. There are also numerous nutritional attributes.

Think of pumpkin as needed lubrication and extra bulk. It will tend to have a soothing effect on the digestion process. You can use it to help your dog out rather than exposing them to potentially dangerous prescriptions, laxatives or over-the-counter meds.

Can I Give My Dog Pumpkin? Answer: Yes

It’s a time-tested wide-ranging natural remedy that’s very effective.

Video: Should I Cook Pumpkin Before Feeding It to the Dog? : Dog & Puppy Care

What’s great is that most dogs seem to enjoy the taste of pumpkin. When your best buddy is sick, they may be finicky about their normal dog food. In such a case, some pumpkin may really do the trick. Just be sure to keep it all-natural, a serving that contains no added seasonings. Both Nummy Tum Tum and the Fruitables brand are highly recommended because they’re organic and specially formulated pumpkin puree for pets.

Pumpkin pie filling, or other desserts, containing pumpkin are less likely to achieve the same benefits.

Video: Raw Pumpkin Seeds to Help Your Dog's Worm Problems - Thriving Canine

Pumpkin is a Secret Weapon

Don’t get carried away with feeding pumpkin. Dogs need meat-based protein as their mainstay. If you feed them this wonderful vegetable too often, it may not have the same effect on improving digestion when it’s really needed! Save it for when it will have a beneficial effect or you can just mix some in with their regular dog food. An occasional pumpkin treat for Fido works too.

For Constipation & Diarrhea

If you see your dog straining to go number-2, obviously that’s a sign that they may have constipation. Small droppings or hard and very dry stools are also symptoms. Such problems can actually reduce your dog’s appetite, after all they’re backed up. In any case, a pumpkin’s fiber and bulk can help your constipated dog.

Video: DIY PUMPKIN PIE FOR DOGS | Dog Treat Recipe for Thanksgiving | Snow Dogs Snacks 29

In fact, you can just as effectively treat a case of diarrhea using pumpkin. It cannot, however, ensure their hydration during such a vulnerable time. It’s important to make sure your dog is getting enough water because dehydration is actually a common cause of constipation, especially for dogs. On the flip side, diarrhea will lead to a dehydrated doggie.

It’s a Weight Loss Winner

Besides canine digestion, pumpkin is an excellent diet regulator for weight loss. The reason for this is because pumpkin has the effect of making your dog feel more full than they really are!

Video: Pumpkin Pie For Your DOG???

Waiting Game Alternative

Some people are of the opinion that a straining dog or one experiencing loose stools isn’t really out of the ordinary or terribly serious, unless it happens over a long period. It’s true that their systems often stabilize on their own and things go back to normal.

Perhaps, by the time you give them with pumpkin, and it makes its way through their system, they may have been fine anyway. So pumpkin could give the illusion of great a remedy in action. Sometimes you just don’t know but pumpkin is a winner in our opinion.

When to Call a Veterinarian

If your dog often experiences constipated or diarrhea and it’s recurring, even after giving them some pumpkin, it’s time to at least call a vet. Your veterinarian will ask a series of questions to help you determine what the cause of the problems may be. A full diagnosis could be needed in which case they’ll ask you to bring them in so they can check them out in person.

Conclusion on Pumpkin

Yes, you can give your pet dog some pumpkin. It’s a great choice and all-natural pumpkin may be the best food for dogs with digestive trouble. It could provide soothing relief while normalizing your best buddy’s bowel movements. Pumpkin is also very nutritious. This food is a healthy fix for diarrhea and canine constipation among other health benefits.

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