Can I give my dog something for pain?

Can I Give My Dog Something For Pain?It’s distressing to see your precious pet dog in pain. Illness, injury, infection, old age and arthritis are among the common culprits. Some causes are more elusive and require a diagnosis.

In any case, pain can be frightening for a dog. It can cause aggressive behavior and a vicious cycle of unhappiness. We’ll do our best to recommend safe solutions over potentially dangerous human medications.

It’s likely you are a proactive owner. That’s a good sign your dog will start feeling better soon. A pet’s pain doesn’t have to be permanent since there are ways to help!

Can I Give My Dog Something for Pain? Answer: Yes

Prescription and over-the-counter meds are often used to ease canine pain, but alternatives are much safer and often equally effective.

We personally use canine pain tablets mixed in with moist dog food and they work very well for our oldest. It’s designed for all sorts of aches and pains including those resulting from inflammation and arthritis. There are also very affordable aspirin-free chewable tablets which are getting excellent reviews from dog owners.

Conventional Pain Meds

Providing an NSAID to your dog isn’t without risks. They’re often effective but also dangerous. Talk with a vet before administering these potent drugs.

Instead of alleviating pain, inappropriate use may cause more suffering. This is particularly true for puppies and dogs with liver, kidney, heart and/or intestinal problems.

We cover many popular brand name pain medications. Do a search for a particular NSAID drug. But it may be more appropriate to provide your dog with Rimadyl. Ask your vet about that possibility!

A Diagnosis Must Come First

A diagnosis will form a solid basis for successful treatment. There may be something going on with your dog’s internals, which can only be determined with a thorough check-up. Only then will you get the most appropriate medicine for treating the source of a pet’s pain.

Signs of Pet Pain Problems

Your dog’s pain problems could be short-lived or long-lasting such as the type caused by arthritis. Common signs include shivering, turning down food and/or water, whining, decreased level of activity, aggression, depression and physical signs like limping. You probably know these all too well.

Use of Hot or Cold Compress

The use of a hot or cold compress is another way to ease a pet’s pain. These methods can relax and soothe your dog. Cold compress helps to minimize swelling.

Hot compress, when applied to your dog’s back or shoulders, can alleviate some aches and pains. Heat is especially useful for a pulled muscle but also for arthritis.

The Acupuncture Alternative

If your dog has been struggling with pain, and you haven’t found much success, then keep an open mind about alternative pain solutions.

Consider canine acupuncture since more vets are training to become knowledgeable in this ancient field of medicine. It can really help!

Some More Helpful Pain Tips

Constant movement may worsen your dog’s condition. Temporarily crating a pet can prevent them from moving about too much. Avoid long walks for the time being. Have your dog take it easy until the pain subsides.

Eating may become a challenge when a dog is in pain. Pets tend to lose their appetites when they’re not feeling well. The same goes for water, so take necessary measures to keep your dog well-hydrated.

If you aren’t having success, it may mean the pain is quite serious. Consider seeing a veterinary professional to reduce their suffering.

Conclusion on Treating Pain

There are options for easing a dog’s pain, but some are potentially harmful. Certain human NSAID brands can help but know the dangers. Many dogs have died from lack of knowledge in this area. Getting a proper diagnosis is the best course of action for treating a dog’s pain. Otherwise, the use of canine pain tablets are much preferred to conventional meds.

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