Considerations before buying a purebred dog

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When buying a purebred dog there are a few things you should keep in mind before rushing out and purchasing the breed of choice. The first thing all potential purebred dog owners need to be aware of is the fact these dogs are more prone to inherited diseases and illness due to the long inbreeding the breed has gone through. A good example of this is the fact many Dalmatian’s are either born blind, or develop blindness at some point in their lives. So the following tips may come in handy when buying a purebred dog so you do not end up with a dog that is very expensive to own and may require special care.

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Consider WHY you feel a purebred dog is your preference over a mixed breed dog. Is it for social status, to look good when walking the purebred dog, or other vain personal reasons? If the purchase of a purebred is based solely on these criteria then take a moment and consider rescuing a mixed breed dog from an animal shelter so you are truly saving a dog, and becoming the proud owner of a dog who will give you love and happiness. Not that a purebred dog is incapable of giving the same, but saving a dog from living out their life in the rescue shelter (and probably having to be put down eventually) is going to bond you with the dog in a way buying from a purebred breeder never will.

If you already have experience with the purebred breed you are a step ahead of the game as you already know many of the strengths and weaknesses of the breed. For those who are purchasing their first dog the time to do a bit of research on the purebred of your desires is before bringing the puppy home. When buying a purebred dog visit several breeders and ask about the personalities of the breed. Is the dog going to be a calm, gentle canine, or a high strung dog that needs constant attention and more effort to take care of?

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Either type of dog can make great family pets ONLY if you and your family understand what they are getting with the new puppy. Your best choice is going to be a purebred dog that is compatible with the size of your home, the abilities of you and your family to meet the needs of the breed, and how the dog rates on the compatibility meter with your family.

Give the above questions serious thought before buying a purebred dog, and after doing your homework you will end up with a wonderful family companion for many years to come.

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