Infographic: the life of a research beagle

Video: Laboratory Beagle Rescue - South Korea

Each day, thousands of Beagles are confined to tiny cages, never seeing the light of day, feeling the grass below their feet, or being handled with a loving touch. They are never given names, only identified by a number tattooed on their skin – all in the name of research.

Video: 40 Beagles Saved from Lab Testing - Tails of Hope

The infographic below describes only a tiny sampling of the torture that these animals are subjected to:

ResearchBeagles Infographic

Ready to help in the fight to end this horrific, barbaric practice?

Follow, join, or just learn more from just a few of the amazing people spending their lives working hard to ban testing on Beagles and other dogs:

The Beagle Freedom Project
The Run Free Alliance

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