Can I give my dog meat?

Can I Give My Dog Some Meat?Eating meat is certainly natural for dogs. After all, they are primarily carnivores. So when your hound begs you for a piece of juicy protein-packed animal flesh it’s logical to want to share.

Doing so is normal and canines can easily digest rationed amounts of chicken, turkey, lamb and beef. Lots of owners view most meats as superior to commercial kibble and don’t care much for store-bought dog food.

But a strict meat-based diet is debatable. Proponents liken canines to wolves from an evolutionary standpoint. On the other hand, there are some excellent formulated dog foods on the market. No doubt, this is meaty topic!

Can I Give My Dog Some Meat? Answer: Yes, with some restrictions

You can, but certain types are more appropriate than others.

But we still favor a high quality dog food. Feeding raw or cooked meat to your dog is a way to provide them with valuable protein. They’ll thrive nutritionally, so tossing your dog pieces of meat on occasion is fine but avoid adding spices. Pork is not recommended but most other meats are appropriate in reasonable amounts. Raw foods are a whole other topic as well as eliminating commercial dog food completely.

Keep in mind that any new diet is tricky and may cause gastrointestinal issues such as upset stomach and diarrhea.

Canines & Cooked Meat

People view cooked meat more favorably than when it’s raw which is understandable. But you have to let go of your own preferences when it comes to your dog’s eating habits. Cooked meat isn’t what they’d be consuming based on their predatory instincts. Many will disagree but some of the best meats you can feed a dog are pieces of uncooked steaks and other types of choice beef.

Video: Draw My Life | Dog Meat Trade in South Korea

Also, read up on fat and bones!

Safest Meats to Serve

Most meats, both cooked and raw, contain good levels of protein but some are more suitable for dogs than others. Safety is of the utmost concern due to the potential for parasitic disease and sickness. Your best bets are quality beef, turkey and lamb. These are great choices when serving raw meat.

Avoid providing raw fish because it may contain flukes, a type of parasite, which can harm your dog’s liver. Pork, regardless of how it’s served, is not well suited for most dogs and carries relatively higher risks. It’s a tough meat to digest but it also may contain trichinosis which is a dangerous roundworm.

Practicality & Commitment

As we said, raw meats offer many merits. No doubt that your dog can benefit from such a diet strategy. Realistically though, it’s hard to maintain over the long term. The food preparation, combined with the commitment, often proves difficult. A meat diet is also significantly more expensive than most conventional dog foods. An occasional slab of fresh meat may be more realistic.

Video: FALLOUT 4 Dogmeat Can’t Die

Convenience of Dog Food

So it’s arguably better to feed your dog a meat diet, especially compared to low-grade cheap dog food. Too many owners buy questionable canine chow to save money. Yes, there’s some meat in there but it compares poorly to a raw meat diet or even freshly cooked animal protein.

Video: Raw feeding(raw meat diet) for dogs -by Augusto Deoliveira

That said, there are some premium brands with high-quality meat protein which are convenient and healthy for dogs. Fido will also benefit from a well-rounded diet designed and formulated for them. So be sure to get a dog food that contains essential proteins and antioxidants without any grains.

Conclusion on Meat

Feeding your pet dog certain meats is an excellent way to provide high levels of nutrition and protein. There are, however, uncooked varieties which can be harmful such as fish and pork. Most cooked meat is also okay to share, but a very strict carnivore diet is unnecessary and often impractical. So, you can feed your dog most types of meat on occasion but a high-quality dog food is usually best to rely on.

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