Can I give my dog robitussin?

Can I Give My Dog Robitussin?Everyone knows Robitussin and people don’t think twice before taking this popular cold medicine. But, if your dog is sick you may have doubts about giving it because the product is quite strong.

Robitussin has 15+ variations, including some formulated for children. There’s nothing geared towards canine use. It’s no wonder why dogs owners are often unsure as to which type to provide a pet.

Robitussin AC is a Schedule V Controlled Substance. It contains Codeine. Such cough syrup should be controlled for dogs. You must know about proper dosage, allergic reactions and several other factors relevant to this cough medicine.

Can I Give My Dog Robitussin? Answer: Yes, with vet approval

This medicine is a popular solution for many households and that can include the family dog if you are careful.

Video: Ever tried to give a dog Robitussin?

Robitussin can treat many respiratory symptoms associated with the common cold. Has your dog been coughing a lot or are they struggling with lingering mucus, sinus problems or a combination of various cold or flu symptoms? Vets do prescribe Robitussin to treat these nagging problems for canines. They often use it to treat dogs for kennel cough.

Dogs & Dextromethorphan

Robitussin is a cough suppressant only. It won’t cure your dog’s cold. Check the label for Dextromethorphan. That’s the active ingredient in Robitussin which can suppress cough reflex signals in your dog’s brain.

Robitussin’s Side Effects

Be aware that Robitussin can cause side effects. Your dog may experience hallucinogenic effects from too high a dose. Other symptoms, usually from heavy use, include shallow breathing, anxiety, dizziness, nervousness, restlessness and confusion.

You don’t want your dog suffering from withdrawals or any of the nasty symptoms. They can easily occur if the drug is taken for an extended period. Robitussin should only be used on dogs for temporary relief.

Closely monitor your four-legged friend following consumption of any type of antitussive such as Robitussin.

Careful of Codeine for K9s

How much Robitussin to give a dog is a common question. Stick with Robitussin that contains Dextromethorphan which is the most commercially available.

Video: Lady getting robitussin for her kennel cough

Be warned that Robitussin AC contains opiates such as codeine which is a naturally occurring morphine. This can be habit forming and develop into a very bad situation for Fido!

Dosing Information for Pets

Robitussin comes in liquid and tablet form. It’s easy to administer it as a tablet, mixing it in with dog food. You need to know the key factors for dosage. Ideally, you should get a veterinarian to determine the dose for your dog. Their weight, size, age, breed and known allergies are all factors.

It’s difficult to provide an exact dosage. Every case is different. As a general guideline, every 10 hours or so you can use up to half a milligram per pound but don’t exceed this amount. The same formula applies to the liquid form but be sure to check the label’s concentration.

Alternatives to Robitussin

Mucinex is similar to Robitussin because they both contain Guaifenesin which is an expectorant. If your dog has mucus in their lungs, guaifenesin will loosen it which helps to clear it.

To go the natural route, honey can treat many of the same symptoms your dog is experiencing. Also, certain types of teas may relieve flu symptoms and the common cold.

Conclusion on Robitussin

Robitussin is a powerful drug and not intended for dogs. It’s one of the cough preparations which can contain an opiate and that’s serious business. It is, however, considered acceptable for use according to most vets. It can’t be stressed enough that if you do give your dog Robitussin, it should only be for a short time. They also need to be closely watched for bad reactions. If your dog isn’t getting better you really need to take them to the vet.

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