Can I give my dog shrimp?

Can I Give My Dog Shrimp?Feeding your best buddy a few shrimp may seem okay because, after all, it’s meat and canines are carnivores. Does this tasty crustacean really belong in a dog’s diet? Most folks will tell you that it’s okay in moderation.

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In truth, shrimp contains a lot of protein which is desirable for pet dogs. On the other hand, this popular seafood contains high levels of cholesterol and there’s also an allergy concern.

Providing a few shrimp on occasion is much different than regularly sharing. In any case, we’ll weigh the pros and cons of feeding this shellfish to a dog and offer an alternative recommendation.

Can I Give My Dog Shrimp? Answer: Yes, cooked and properly prepared

But consider that out-of-the-ordinary human foods, including seafood, can sometimes disrupt digestion.

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A few here and there is likely okay but some dogs may have allergies to shrimp. It may make more sense to pick up quality salmon sticks made for dogs if you think your pooch favors seafood. Regarding pure shrimp, don’t turn it into a habit where they’re often expecting to receive some.

We also highly recommend bayou biscuits which blend alligator, catfish and shrimp into a delicious dog treat!

Some Shrimp is Nutritious

If your dog can tolerate shrimp, it can be a nutritious treat. It’s often overlooked that they contain selenium which is a great antioxidant. This ocean critter has two different types of antioxidants which means there’s a good potential for health benefits.

Phosphorous and vitamin-B12 are also plentiful in shrimp. They are also low in calories, carbs and fat. Sure, cholesterol is a concern but since you hopefully won’t be feeding it often the risks will be minimized.

Raw Versus Cooked Prawns

Cooking shrimp obviously kills off any harmful bacteria that can cause upset stomach and/or sickness. So play it safe by serving this type of ocean critter cooked. This goes for any type of seafood! It’s also probably best not to give your dog any leftover shrimp that’s been sitting around.

Other Shrimp Considerations

If you do give your dog some shrimp, be sure to remove the shell completely. This includes the tail, head and legs. Eating anything other than the meat could cause a digestive blockage. Even if your dog only gets a morsel of shrimp, as a reward or a treat, make sure it’s completely cooked and properly peeled before letting them indulge.

Accidental Shrimp Not Serious

Sometimes dogs get into things that they shouldn’t. In such cases, and shrimp is no different, expect vomiting or diarrhea or both. Their body will do its best to rid themselves of the shrimp, assuming it doesn’t agree with them.

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Depending on the amount eaten, consider quarantining your dog to an area that’s easy to clean up. Outdoors makes sense because things could get messy. Be sure to provide plenty of fresh water!

Your dog may be allergic to prawns. Consult with a vet if symptoms are concerning. Shellfish, such as crab, are a common allergen.

Consider a Better Diet Plan

Good dog food manufacturers can replicate the sort of diet a dog would be eating out in the wild. They have canine formulations that mimic the ratio of proteins, carbs and fats in an easy-to-distribute form. Shrimp contains an element of what’s desirable for an active dog, yet they aren’t used to chowing down on this ocean creature in pure form.

A high-quality dog food which contains seafood is a superior option. It’s way more practical over the long term, and you won’t need to do supplementation with something like shrimp or other people foods.

Conclusion on Shrimp

You can treat your pet dog to some shrimp or prawns but limit consumption and don’t make it a habit. Owners have reported sharing shrimp without incident. If you’re keen on feeding your dog this protein-packed food, restrict the amount but also properly prepare the prawns. Monitor your dog for allergic reactions, especially when providing it for the first time.

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