Why does my dog eat grass?

Video: Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?


Video: Why Dogs Eat Grass?

Some dogs simply seem to enjoy munching away on grass. Some breeds even include it as part of their daily routine. And others tend to eat the green stuff when they aren’t feeling well.

Luckily, most experts believe that this is not something dog owners need to worry about. So why on earth do dogs gobble up the green stuff in our yards?

Video: Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

The Root of the Matter

grasseating21. Grumbling Tummies. Any pooch will seek out a natural relief for a gassy or upset stomach, and grass, apparently, does the trick. When ingested, the grass blades tickle the dog’s throat as well as his stomach lining. This sensation causes the pooch to throw up, especially when the grass has been gulped down instead of chewed on. A sick pooch will usually eat grass in big bites and then vomit.

Although dogs do not normally graze on large amounts of grass like cows, they may nibble on grass or chew on it for a while, and not vomit. While some dogs simply find the grass taste palatable, other breeds do it to add a little roughage to their usual diet.

2. Nutritional Needs. Whatever be the reason behind grass easting, most experts see no harm in letting a dog munch away. As a matter of fact, the grass contains some essential elements that a pooch may actually crave, especially if the pet has been on a commercial diet. Once you see him eating grass or any other houseplant, try introducing natural herbs or dog-safe veggies into his diet.

Video: Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

Watch out for any sudden increase in grass-munching as it could be a warning sign of a more serious underlying condition that your pup may be trying to self-treat. This of course will require immediate vet assistance.

If your dog is one that simply likes to graze, but is healthy and happy, just make sure the grass he’s eating hasn’t been treated with chemicals or pesticides which actually CAN be quite harmful for Fido.

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