Seasonal dog allergy symptoms and their treatment

Dog allergy symptoms usually manifest between the ages of one and three years. Seasonal allergies typically last only a few weeks, until the allergen has left the environment.

When Do Seasonal Allergies Develop in Dogs?

Most dogs develop seasonal and other allergies between one and three years of age. Some dogs may develop symptoms later in life, though this is uncommon. Dogs with a sensitivity to one type of allergen are prone to developing other types of allergies. Dogs who have never exhibited symptoms at all may suddenly develop seasonal allergies.

Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies in Dogs

Most seasonal allergies in dogs are related to tree and other types of pollen. These allergens are inhaled, so the symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, discharge from the eyes, and irritation of the eyes. Seasonal allergy symptoms usually clear up on their own in three to four weeks.

Video: Effectively Treat Seasonal Allergies with Naturopathic Medicine - Dr. Shannon Sinsheimer, ND

How Do I Know if My Dog has Seasonal Allergies?

Dogs with seasonal allergies will exhibit symptoms for only a few weeks a year. The peak times for seasonal allergies are during the spring and fall. Dogs with seasonal allergies may begin sneezing excessively. The sneezing will be accompanied by a clear discharge from the nose and eyes. Your dog`s eyes may become irritated.

Video: Nasal allergy attack - Causes, symptoms and treatment.

Can Seasonal Allergies get Worse?

Dogs with seasonal allergies may develop further sensitivities to other allergens over time. It`s not uncommon for dogs with seasonal allergies to also suffer from chronic allergies to food and other things in their environment. If your dog is already susceptible to food and other environmental allergens, watch for the emergence of seasonal allergy symptoms during the spring and fall.

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Easing Your Dog`s Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Your vet can perform an allergen test to determine what allergens might be troubling your dog. An allergy medication can ease your dog`s symptoms during the seasonal allergy period. However, an allergy medication alone often doesn`t eliminate all the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Vacuum your carpets more frequently during the allergy season to ease your dog`s symptoms. Keep your windows closed during the allergy season so that pollen and other allergens can`t get into the house. Keep your dog inside as much as possible during the allergy season, especially on high-pollen days (your local newspaper can tell you when high-pollen days are forecast).

If your dog`s allergy symptoms are quite severe, and especially if your dog suffers from the effects of non-seasonal airborne allergens, consider installing a HEPA filtration device in your home`s central heating and air system. A HEPA system can remove most allergens from the air in your home.

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