Neurological diseases in dogs

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Neurological diseases in dogs are those conditions that originate in the pet`s central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. There are different types of neurological diseases, each characterized by specific symptoms. Although the cause of certain neurological disorders is attributed to trauma and accidental injury, others may develop due to genetic predisposition, reactions to medicines and underlying health conditions. Dogs that exhibit unusual behavior patterns shouldn`t be reprimanded for bad behavior, as the pet may be suffering from a neurological problem that causes uncontrolled actions and behavior.

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Common Neurological Diseases in Dogs Include

  • Seizures and epilepsy
  • Cervical disease
  • Degenerative myleopathy
  • Hepatic encephalopathy
  • Canine dementia
  • Granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME)

Seizures and Epilepsy

Seizures occur due to abnormal nerve activity in the dog`s brain. The type of seizure present is determined by the symptoms exhibited and the duration of the seizure. The condition may occur due to liver disease, brain tumors and ingestion of toxic substances. Seizures that occur due to no known cause are termed idiopathic. Pet owners should learn to manage dogs suffering from seizures. Most pets are prescribed anticonvulsant medications to keep seizures under control.

Cervical Disease

Dogs develop cervical disorders during accidental injury or spinal trauma during rough play. The symptoms of cervical disease include pain in the neck, inability to stand or walk and lack of sensitivity to pain.

Degenerative Myleopathy

This condition develops when there is a deterioration of the nerves present in the spinal cord. This causes decreased nerve function, which leads to the development of various symptoms. Pets suffering from degenerative myleopathy experience discomfort while performing routine activities like climbing, running, urination and defecation, due to loss of muscle mass in the legs. The treatment includes moderate exercise and vitamin supplementation to increase the pet`s quality of life.

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Hepatic Encephalopathy

Hepatic encephalopathy usually accompanies liver disease in dogs. It`s a degenerative disease that causes impaired brain function and change in consciousness due to abnormal liver function. Pets suffering from hepatic encephalopathy exhibit symptoms that include hysteria, seizures and other uncontrolled behaviors. The treatment involves antibiotic medication to cure underlying health conditions and dietary modification. If the cause of liver dysfunction is diagnosed, the symptoms will subside once the primary cause is cured.

Canine Dementia

Dementia is more common in pets past 10 years of age. The symptoms include personality changes, cognitive dysfunction, fixed gaze and confusion. The vet will prescribe certain medicines to control nerve impulses in the brain. Pet owners also have to learn techniques to manage pets suffering from dementia.

Granulomatous Meningoencephalomyelitis (GME)

This disease is associated with inflammation of the cells present in the central nervous system. The symptoms vary in individual pets suffering from GME. Pet owners should seek medical help if the dog suffers from facial paralysis, sudden seizures and collapse.

Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders

The vet will evaluate the clinical symptoms present and conduct diagnostic tests such as MRI scans, X-rays and ultrasounds to determine abnormalities present in the brain, spinal cord and other parts of the body. Additional blood and urine tests also rule out other ailments.

Video: Veterinary Neurology

Pet owners should administer prescribed medication according to vet instructions. Since herbal formulas or supplements can cause drug interactions, it`s necessary to inform the vet about other medicines administered to the dog.

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