Take a stand against animal abuse and feed shelter dogs with these shirts

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Video: This Guy Rescues Dogs From Torture And Slaughter In Asia

I Support, $22.00. No tolerance for those who lay a hand on a dog. NONE.

dog sleep

Video: 12 Inspiring Rescue Dog Transformations

Don’t Keep Calm, $22.00. This is something you never want to keep calm about!

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Stop Yulin Paw Shirt, $22.00. This shirt also provides food and care for 7 days for a dog rescued from the meat trade.

stop yulin

I’m Against Animal Abuse Shirt, $22.00. Say it like you mean it with this shirt.


Video: Amazing transformation of starving street dog too sick to eat

Shelter Dogs Shirts, $22.00. Take a stand against puppy mills with this option here.

shelter dogs

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