The art of leash training puppies

Video: Easy Puppy Training: 3 Things 1 Session (Leash walking, Leave it, Lie down)

One of the most important considerations when you first add a puppy to your household is leash training. Leash training puppies can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. Improper training techniques can cause developmental damage or injury to your puppy. Follow these dog leash training tips to help your puppy become accustomed to walking on a leash from start to finish.

It is important to leash train your puppy from an early age. Walking your dog on a leash is much safer than walking him without one, and a leash is an excellent tool for other types of behavior training as well. However, walking with a leash is an unusual feeling for a dog, and you will have the best success in leash training your puppy if you work deliberately and take it step-by-step.

Wearing a Collar

Before you put a leash on your puppy, help him to become comfortable to the sensation of having a collar on his neck. After selecting an appropriate collar for your puppy, start him out by having him wear it for a few hours a day as you play with him. He will likely try to remove the collar at first, as he is unaccustomed to the sensation of having something around his neck. However, do not remove the collar while he is struggling with it, as this will create a negative reinforcement that could hinder his training. Remove your dog`s collar when he is relaxed or whenever he is unaccompanied or in a crate.

Wearing a Leash

After your dog is comfortable wearing a collar at all times, he is ready to begin wearing a leash. Put a leash on his collar while you are available to supervise him, and gradually build up the amount of time that he spends on his leash every day. Again, do not leave the leash on your puppy while you are not available to watch over him, as the leash could get caught and hurt your dog. If you have chewed leashes or leash pieces from previous trainings, these can be helpful tools. Use chewed leashes to gradually increase the length of the leash that is attached to your dog`s collar, in order to help him become more comfortable.

Video: Dog Training: The ART of Communicating with Your Dog

Walking with a Leash

Before your dog can walk with a leash, you must also train him to come, sit and stay. Train your dog to obey these commands separately from your collar and leash training. Once your dog is comfortable wearing a leash and can follow these orders, you are ready to begin walking with a leash. Take short walks with frequent stops, ensuring that your dog follows your commands by rewarding good behavior.

When training your dog with a leash, ensure that you never pull on the leash too hard, as this could cause him serious injury. The leash should always have some slack in it as you are walking him. Train your dog to walk on a leash from an early age to ensure that you have complete control of his behavior while you are walking him and while you`re in public.

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