How to raise a dog-friendly dog

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There’s a certain period in puppy development when a pooch’s early encounters have a huge impact on his overall approach to life. If your dog receives lots of positive experiences with other animals at about three or four months old and younger, it is very likely that he’d develop into a dog-friendly, well-socialized pooch. If not, it is possible that he’ll grow up to be shy, fearful, or even dog-aggressive.

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Easy Tips to Follow

1. Keep your pup’s mother and littermates together. For as long as possible, allow mother and babies to remain together. Because canine etiquette begins at the time when they are born until they’re about three or four months old, provide chances for them to learn canine submission and dominance from their own brood.
2. Adopt the pooch no younger than eight weeks old. Try bringing home a puppy which has not been taken away from his mother and littermates too early. Any pooch bought or adopted earlier than necessary wouldn’t have had sufficient opportunities to learn his canine manners.
3. Schedule fun doggie play dates. When you bring your new pooch home, try inviting a few friends or neighbors to bring their healthy pets over to play. To ensure that your little furry canine friend does not get overwhelmed, start by exposing him to easygoing, well-mannered dogs first.
4. Enroll your pooch in puppy school. Try signing up your pooch for puppy kindergarten programs as soon as possible. This way, you can let your pet have lots of time for various plays in a safe and productive environment.
5. Socialize him on a regular basis. While your pooch is growing up and even when he has already matured, always see to it that you find time to expose him to other dogs. Do this by taking him to the dog park or by inviting a few friends’ healthy pets over to play regularly. A good social life during his puppyhood is not a guarantee that your dog will remain friendly with other canines over his adult years.
6. Use positive reinforcement. When your puppy is behaving appropriately around other dogs, make sure to offer praise and treats to reinforce his good behavior. This will teach him that good things come from being around other dogs.
7. Consider the advice of a professional dog trainer. However less flexible a mature dog’s disposition can be as compared to a puppy’s, with constant exposure to and socialization with other canines, your pooch can still perk up his social skills. Just move cautiously according to your pup’s pace. If you spot signs of canine timidity or aggression, then seek help from experts immediately.

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Bear in mind that regardless of your pooch’s breed, he needs to be provided with routine playtime with other dogs. This way, you can teach him how to be friendly and remain safe with other canines. This is particularly critical before your little furry friend turns 3 or 4 months on of age.

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