Turmeric for dogs dosage for arthritis, cancer, skin problems and side effects

Can I give my dog turmeric and is it safe for dogs? These are some common questions among dog owners. Turmeric for dogs is not only safe but also offers a host of other health benefits. We discuss these below as well as what dosage you should give, side effects to look out for and precautions to take while offering turmeric to your pet.

Turmeric for Dogs

The turmeric spice is commonly used in cooking and is derived from ground turmeric root. It is loaded with great properties beneficial to both humans and pets. It is therefore used as an effective natural home remedy for skin problems, health conditions and infections. Turmeric for dogs is not only effective in these but is also an inexpensive remedy. We explore its benefits below.

Health Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs

Turmeric when offered to dogs regularly will boost the functionality of the heart, liver and the digestive system. It also helps in maintaining a healthy skin as well as heal skin conditions. These and more health benefits of turmeric for dogs are discussed below.

Turmeric for Dogs with Cancer

When used as a supplement, turmeric helps to prevent cancer. Turmeric for dogs with cancer is known to fight different forms of cancer through its anticancer properties. One of these is lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects white blood cells known as lymphocytes.

Curcumin and ar-tumerone found in turmeric are effective in treating lymphoma. They inhibit the activity of proteins essential for cell survival and destroy tumor cells. Curcumin also impacts on various molecular targets to prevent the progress of lymphoma. The remedy is also great in preventing and treating melanoma.

Turmeric for Dogs with Arthritis

Studies show that turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic extracts. It contains high levels of curcuminoids which are highly potent and effective in controlling arthritis. It also contains anti-inflammatory agents. These are known for control and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis.

Additionally, curcumin protects chondrocytes against inflammation and damage while supporting the development of osteoblasts from stem cells. Osteoclasts are the cells that absorb old bones while osteoblasts are responsible for new bone formation. Chrondocytes are developing bone cells. With this function, turmeric helps to treat and control of arthritis by inhibiting the activity of osteoclasts thus preventing loss and absorption.

Acts as an Antimicrobial Agent

Turmeric has antimicrobial properties that make it an anti-fungal, antiviral and antibacterial agent. It has been known to inhibit and reduce the growth of various microorganisms.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Turmeric contains elements that suppress oxidative damage and inflammation in the dog’s gut. It also helps in healing gastric ulcers, prevents secretion of gastric acid and protects the intestinal lining. These boost the gastrointestinal health of your dog.

Heart Health

With age in dogs comes concerns about their heart health. They become more susceptible to excess cholesterol and blood clots. Turmeric for dogs has been known to control bad cholesterol. This not only supports the wellbeing of the heart but the liver too. It thus protects the dog against stroke and heart attacks.

Liver Health

The liver plays a significant role in the digestion process. A number of biochemical processes required to run the body involve it. These include removal of waste, toxins breakdown and ability to store energy. It produces bile which is important in your dog’s digestive process.

Video: Turmeric Benefits and Side Effects

Turmeric for dogs stimulates production of bile. It increases the efficiency of the liver in metabolizing fats and removing wastes thus contributing to the overall health of your pet.

Skin Problems, Sebaceous Cysts and Yeast Infections Remedy

Dogs are prone to various skin conditions such as itchy skin, hotspots, sebaceous cysts as well as yeast infections. Luckily, turmeric contains anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. These make turmeric for dogs’ skin problems quite effective.

Other Health Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs

In addition to the above benefits, here are some more.

Video: Turmeric Supplement For Dogs

  • Helps in epilepsy treatment.
  • Relieves allergies.
  • Prevents cataracts formation.
  • Reduces bloating and gas.
  • Treats diarrhea since it acts as a binding agent.
  • Can be used in dog weight management.
  • It is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

 How to Administer Turmeric for Dogs

Different dogs will prefer different forms of turmeric. While some will be okay licking off the powder, others will like it more if it is incorporated in their food. Below are different ways through which you can offer turmeric for dogs.

Turmeric Powder for Dogs Golden Paste

The turmeric paste which is mostly referred to as golden paste is easy to make. Here is how:

  1. In a sauce pan, mix one cup of water and half a cup of turmeric.
  2. Cook this on a low flame while stirring until a thick paste forms.
  3. Add one and a half teaspoons of freshly ground black pepper.
  4. Add about 70 milliliters of olive or coconut oil
  5. Stir to mix the ingredients and ensure even distribution and feed this to your dog putting in to consideration the appropriate dosage.

Dog Turmeric Treats

Another way to incorporate turmeric for your dog’s consumption is to incorporate it in your dog’s treats when baking them. Use the correct dosage depending on the dog’s weight. This is most appropriate that do not like plain turmeric taste.

Video: Make Turmeric Paste For Maximum Absorption with Black Pepper & Coconut Oil

Turmeric Gravy

Another way you can feed turmeric for dogs is by combining a tablespoon of turmeric powder with a dash of ground pepper and a tablespoon of coconut. Add this to a cup of boiling water and wait until it gets to a third a cup in volume. Use this to moisten your dog’s food.


Turmeric Supplements for Dogs – Turmeric Capsules for Dogs

Where the above turmeric for dogs recipes are not viable for you, you can opt for turmeric supplements in the form of capsules. There are many trusted pet supplement suppliers that stock these. Opt for quality. Be keen when using these commercial products. Pills and capsules with curcumin levels beyond 95 percent are not recommended.

External Use of Turmeric for Dogs

Like discussed above, turmeric offers many benefits to the skin of a dog. It can therefore be used topically for skin conditions such as infections, to heal wounds as well as stop bleeding. You can use plain turmeric powder and sprinkle it over the area of concern.

Alternatively, you could mix it with coconut or olive oil to make a paste. Apply this on the skin and then cover it up with a bandage where necessary.

Turmeric Dosage for Dogs – How Much Turmeric for Dogs

Wondering how much turmeric for dogs is suitable for your pooch? Well, we have that covered. Turmeric dosage for dogs is determined by weight just like most other supplements and medication. Below is how much to offer your pet.

Turmeric dosage for dogs
[Source: turmericforhealth.com]
To begin with, it is recommended to start off the dosage with small amounts before increasing it gradually until it gets to the recommended amount for their weight.

Turmeric for Dogs Side Effects and Precautions

Turmeric for dogs is considered safe if used in the recommended dosage. However, it could interact with other supplements and medication cancelling out the benefits of both. Always consult your veterinarian before using it on your dog. Some specific turmeric for dogs side effects include:

  • Turmeric thins blood and should not be offered to pets that are about to undergo surgery, those with liver problems and dogs already on blood thinners.
  • Turmeric could cause constipation in dogs. Ensure your dog has plenty of fluids when using it.
  • Topical use of turmeric could cause staining of furniture. Take precautions to avoid this.
  • Turmeric should not be given to breastfeeding and pregnant dogs.
  • Feeding plain turmeric to your dog regularly could lead to an unpleasant smell. Curb this by adding black pepper or cinnamon.

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