
Video: Skin Care | What is Abrasion | How to Get Rid of Skin Abrasions

Dog being cleaned

Video: Dressing an Abrasion

By Dr. Sherry Weaver

Video: How to Treat Abrasions on Dogs : Dog's Health

When the top layers of skin have been abraded and tissue under the skin is not disturbed, we refer to this injury as a skin abrasion. Most superficial scrapes or wounds no longer than an inch or two can be treated with first aid. Larger or deeper abrasions require professional medical attention. To treat minor abrasions, be sure your hands are clean. Then gently clip the fur away from the wound.

Fur in a healing wound can lead to contamination and delayed healing. Use warm water to flush the wound in order to remove dirt and debris from the area. Apply an antibiotic cream to the area three times daily. Distract the pet for a few minutes to keep your pet from licking off the medication. If the wound spreads or produces pus, or the pet is uncomfortable, seek veterinary attention immediately.

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