Can I give my dog colloidal silver?

Can I Give My Dog Colloidal Silver?Colloidal Silver is making a comeback in some circles of society so it’s time to address its medical use for dogs. Before the advent of antibiotics, this was one of the most popularly used remedies for a wide variety of infections as well as diseases.

Some people swear by the healing abilities of Colloidal Silver claiming it’s a natural antibiotic with excellent anti-fungal, antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Others disagree and say it’s simply quack medicine. In any case, dog owners with a real interest in natural remedies may consider using it.

Obviously, before giving this to your pet you should seek advice from a veterinarian. High doses of Colloidal Silver can, although rare, harm the kidneys and bring upon seizures in dogs. It’s also well documented that excessive silver can cause Argyria, permanently rendering the skin blueish-grey.

Can I Give My Dog Colloidal Silver? Answer: Yes

While highly debatable, it can be used for treating skin conditions and some ear problems, as well as bacteria and viral infections.

Video: Colloidal Silver | Dog's Health Maintenance

When used within reason, Colloidal Silver is fairly safe for pets and people even if the benefits are less certain. Believers in this medicinal silver cite over 650 diseases and organisms which can be defeated from its effective use. However, the Food and Drug Administration claims it’s unaware of any evidence of Colloidal Silver’s effectiveness. Therefore, this historic drug continues to be viewed with skepticism.

Providing Colloidal Silver

This is a very versatile natural remedy so there are many ways you can give your dog some Colloidal Silver. As an example, if your pet is feeling sick, you can simply put a few drops of it in their water once a day until they hopefully feel better.

For something like an open wound, gently apply some Colloidal Silver gel directly on the area either 1 or 2 times per day for about a week. If your dog doesn’t want to be touched on such a vulnerable spot, there’s a silver spray that shouldn’t hurt or sting when applied.

If their symptoms have not improved within a week you should definitely see your veterinarian.

Where to Buy Silver

With Colloidal Silver gaining in popularity once again, it’s become easy to obtain. Your veterinarian may even have some on-hand to get you started. If they aren’t a silver believer then it can always be obtained at local health food stores, as well as animal feed stores. Obviously it’s also available online.

More Silver Benefits

Proponents strongly believe that Colloidal Silver can help to protect people and their pet dogs from bad bacteria, parasites and many types of viral infections. Further, it’s also believed to help keep you and your pets feeling healthy with a strong immune system. Some more alleged healing properties include help with infections such as ear infections and treatment for scrapes and cuts as well as yeast infections, digestive disorders and thyroid imbalances.

Video: Colloidal Silver for Pets

While it’s good to keep an open mind about the use of Colloidal Silver, this over-the-counter antibiotic-like medicine remains highly controversial. If you are unsure, seek the expert advice of your veterinarian.

Precautions on Silver

Colloidal Silver can cause Argyria which is dramatic discoloration of the skin. It’s unclear how obvious this will show up in a typical dog. Nevertheless, you want to avoid this by being responsible with Colloidal Silver dosing. More serious health issues, which are possible as a result of taking this medicine, include kidney complications and the onset of seizures.

While we cannot recommend dosage for your particular dog here, it’s usually best to use a considerably smaller dose based on canine body weight. Anything that’s given to your dog, which is potentially dangerous, should be discussed with your vet just to be sure you’re doing the right thing.

Conclusion on Colloidal Silver

People are using Colloidal Silver on themselves and their dogs. There seems to be strong beliefs regarding its numerous potential benefits. While we haven’t tried Silver in our own household, we think it’s possible that it can help with canine health. As with any drug, be sure to properly dose it for your dog. The best way to do so is by following a good veterinarian’s recommendation.

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