Can I give my dog creatine?

Can I Give My Dog Creatine?Creatine is a natural amino acid that is used as a health supplement, specifically for building muscle mass. This seems like an odd question but some owners have asked. Is this type of product a safe and appropriate way for a pet dog to gain some weight and or grow muscle?

Creatine is produced in the liver and it increases production of adenosine thiphosphate (ATP). It’s a chemical fuel which helps muscles work longer. Obviously, dogs routinely do cardio intensive activities and not weight training. So, in our humble opinion, pet use just does not make sense.

Some people will point out that Creatine is also taken for diseases of the muscles and nerves, congestive heart failure, bipolar disorder, depression and even high cholesterol. Honestly, these unconventional uses do not seem to apply to most dogs.

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Can I Give My Dog Creatine? Answer: Not Recommended

There is no valid reason to bulk up your pet and doing so is certainly questionable.


If you want your dog to gain weight, without adding fat, Creatine may seem ideal. We think that feeding a pet dog red meat and fish is a much better way to go about achieving this healthy goal. Understand that certain breeds are naturally slim. Some dogs are skinny due to poor nutrition or because they could be carrying parasites in their bodies. In any case, the use of Creatine is most likely inappropriate and could complicate your best buddy’s life.

Investigate the underlying reason(s) for your dog’s skinniness instead of trying to make them bigger with this supplement.

Creatine Controversial for K9s

We rarely hear of folks giving their dogs Creatine but it happens. They love that this supplement shapes muscles, making them look fuller, while improving physical capabilities. We disagree when it comes to dogs. This supplement as well as over-training may put your pet in danger. There are ways to help a dog gain weight but this shouldn’t be one of them. Creatine is not the answer you are looking for.

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Some Side Effects are Serious

Muscle cramping, upset stomach, dehydration, and diarrhea are the most common side effects of Creatine in humans. Your dog may also feel some discomfort from using it. Usually, negative signs that may occur are temporary vomiting or diarrhea.

If these signs persist, seek help from a veterinarian. Creatine causes muscles to draw water from other parts of the body. That’s why it is important for your dog to have extra water in their bowl. There’s a small chance that something worse will happen.

Speak with your vet and see what they think about Creatine for dogs.

Warnings & Contraindications

When taken orally, and this is how you would give your dog creatine, there are very slight chances that it could cause more serious side effects. Namely, there are some indications that giving Creatine to your dog can cause liver, kidney, or heart function to deteriorate.

However, these side effects have not been proven, so they cannot be taken into consideration as realistic side effects. Aside from this, dehydration is another thing you should be concerned about when giving Creatine to your dog.

Conclusion on Creatine

Creatine can, theoretically, be given to dogs but the real question is why would you want to do so? Fido can gain weight in safer and more natural ways. Instead, provide your dog with healthy foods that contain high levels of protein. Meats such as chicken, beef or fish are better ways to bulk up a dog. Don’t take any chances by giving human-formulated Creatine to your canine.

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