Can I give my dog prednisone?

Can I Give My Dog Prednisone?Prednisone is a strong synthetic corticosteroid steroid used to treat a variety of issues not exclusive to us humans. It turns out that vets prescribe this drug to treat many different conditions in dogs.

If your four-legged friend has been recommended for a prescription dose of Prednisone it could very well save their life. Veterinarians will use this effective treatment when a dog is suffering from a systemic disease or condition.

It’s true that Prednisone often works wonders. Your job is to know more about this powerful drug which could one day save your pet dog’s life.

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Can I Give My Dog Prednisone? Answer: Yes, as prescribed by a vet

Prednisone comes in topical, injectable and most popularly oral tablet form as a prescription but only from your vet.

This steroid acts by suppressing the immune system and blocking certain responses produced in the body. Allergies resulting in inflammation, Addison’s disease, nervous system disorders, Cushing’s disease, certain autoimmune diseases, brain swelling, spinal cord trauma and some cancers are problems some dogs face which are often treated with Prednisone.

It will affect every organ in your dog’s body, because of its strong properties, but Prednisone may be necessary.

Know What to Expect

Expect your dog to show some negative effects. The most obvious is that they’ll tend to drink more water because it dehydrates them. This will get your attention when they have to urinate frequently. It’s normal. Many people also report stomachs problems in their pets. Ask your vet if you should give it to your dog in their food in order to avoid a stomachache.

Other side effects can occur when your dog is being treated with Prednisone. Monitor your canine for abnormal behavior or adverse reactions. Fatigue, hair loss, diarrhea, weight gain, vomiting and possibly a change in behavior including slight increased aggression are all possible.

If you think a particular symptom could be very serious then take your dog back to the veterinarian for close observation.

When Not to Take Prednisone

There are certain drugs that cannot interact well with Prednisone. They are listed below so you can be sure not to make a fatal mistake:

All other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory meds, Rifampin, Phenobarbital, Salicylate, Mitotane, Phenytoin, Diuretics, Anticholinesterase, Amphotericin B, Erythromycin and some vaccines.

The above is not an extensive list. Inform your vet of any drugs that you are giving to your dog to avoid complications. Also, if your canine is diabetic or pregnant tell your veterinarian before they prescribe this glucocorticoid. Inform them if you know that your dog has a bad or weak liver because this organ plays a key role in the use of Prednisone.

Prednisone Dosage & Duration

Allow your vet to determine the proper dose when it comes to such a powerful drug. The generally accepted dosage is 0.1 to 0.3 milligrams per pound of your dog’s body weight. Confirm it with your vet beforehand.

There’s some confusion about the duration of Prednisone treatment. It really depends on what condition is being treated and because there are so many uses for the drug it’s difficult to speculate. Depending on the response to the drug and the treatment objective, duration can vary significantly. Your veterinarian may have you administer the drug by starting with a high dose and gradually reducing it over time.

Trust Your Veterinarian

Follow your vet’s instructions closely for your dog’s sake. Do not miss a dose and even the time of day, pill time, should be closely adhered to for best results. Long term use can cause serious problems in the immune system, as well as metabolic and hormonal disturbances. Trust that your vet knows when to take your dog off Prednisone.

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Conclusion on Prednisone

Prednisone can work wonders for certain canine conditions but this is a controlled substance for good reason. Never attempt to administer the drug without consulting with a veterinary professional. If this drug is abused there can be very serious negative side effects. Your dog is prone to accidental death from strong medications so know the risks. Never confuse an over-the-counter medicine with a powerful prescription drug such as this.

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