Why does my dog do that? Weird dog behaviors explained

Why does my dog chase her own tail?


There’s no single correct answer for why dogs may chase their own tail. In fact, they could be doing it for a number of reasons, some of which are just silly while others might require the help of a veterinarian.

Some dogs, especially puppies, are simply intrigued by that floopy-floppy-dangly thing on their backside and chase it for fun. Some dogs do it out of boredom or to expend some pent up energy. Sadly for some dogs, tail chasing can be a learned behavior if they’ve been kept in a cage or kennel that’s too small to comfortably move around. For others, it’s a compulsive or obsessive behavior that, if the behavior is excessive, can be treated with medication. And, of course, your dog could be chasing his tail to bite at fleas or to find relief from irritated anal glands.

Bottom line, if tail chasing is obsessive in nature, excessive, or results in hair loss or injury to the tail, consult your veterinarian or behaviorist for help.

Hey, while we’re on the subject, might as well enjoy watching this adorable puppy chase his own tail… he even tries to sneak up on it a few times!

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