Dog heat

Video: What to expect with a Dogs Heat Cycle

Dog HeatDog heat: your dog’s heat is certainly not a disease or a condition that needs treated, however, it may be an annoying issue to deal with, especially when a bunch of stray dogs line up by your door or if taking your dog for a walk may be frustrating because of all the attention.

Most dogs go into heat every 6 months, larger dog breeds may go every 8 months, but the time eventually comes, lasting a good 7-10 days. Of course, spaying your dog is the ultimate solution but what to do if your dog has papers and all the requirements to be a future succesfull dam or if the spay surgery is not happening now?

There are several ways you can make your dog more comfortable, her prospective mates less eager and yourself more relaxed during ”those days”.

  • Give Extra Attention

Your dog may become more loving during her heat, even though some dogs may become more irritated. Giving her the extra attention she craves will not do much harm, it actually may help her keep her mind off the hormones.

  • Spoil a Bit

Many female dogs may lose their appetite during their heat. Giving extra treats, some meat baby food with no garlic or onion, may help entice her to eat. If your dog gets diarrhea during her heat, try to feed some boiled hamburger with the fat drained off, with lots of rice.

  • Distract

Play a nice game with your dog and get her distracted this way. Exercise may help her relax, but best of all, it will make her tired and hopefully, a heavy nap may follow.

  • Keep Smells Away

Close all your windows to minimize all intact male dogs within a 3 mile range from showing up at your door step. It is amazing how strong the ”smell of love” can be and how it effectively lures male dogs even when far away.

  • Lock Her Up

Dogs in heat can easily stray away no matter how much they love their home and their masters. When in heat they are on a ”mission” and a door left ajar as usual may be used this time to escape to the dangerous roads of the outside world.

  • Clean Her

Cleaning her often will keep the quarters where your dog lives in less messy, while minimizing smells that attract male dogs. Giving her a bath twice a day may be helpful. Diapers may be put on after, as they are helpful in preventing messes.

  • Use Vicks

This is a trick of the trade often used in dog shows. Put a little bit of Vicks ointment right around the dog’s tail. The strong smell of Vicks may help cover the smell of hormones. Putting a dab as well on the nose of interested males may also be effective.

Video: Female dog in Heat

  • Pass some Chlorophyll

No, it is not for her breath for romantic kissing, rather it has been shown that female dogs given Chlorophyll tablets tend to attract males less. The liquid version that is found in health food stores and comes in 100 mg is helpful. Generally 1 tablespoon in the morning and in the evening poured on the dog’s food may do the trick. It works best when given from the first day of heat. However, male dogs may still want to mate, so never leave them together! Also be aware that the cloropyll may cause oddly green looking stools!

  • Lust Buster

There are special products that may be sprayed on the dog to make her less attractive to males. Lust Buster is one of them.

As seen, there are various way to keep your dog in heat relaxed and most of all, all the males in the neighborhood relaxed as well. Those 7-10 days hopefully will go fast, until next time!

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