Dog prostate problems

Dog Prostate Problems Home RemediesDog Prostate Problems Home Remedies: if you own an intact male dog who is getting older, it’s not uncommon for him to develop prostate problems. It’s a fact of life that with aging, this gland undergoes problems and this happens to both humans and dogs. The problem with this gland is that as it swells and enlarges, it starts putting pressure on the colon causing troublesome defecation and when it puts pressure on the bladder it translates into troublesome urination. The medical name for this conditions is benign prostatic hyperplasia, and it’s estimated to mostly affect male intact dogs over the age of five with 95 percent of them affected by the age of nine.

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Dog Prostate Problems Home Remedies

Symptoms suggesting an enlarged prostate gland in dogs include difficult defecation, constipation and sometimes you may notice pencil-thin feces due to the gland pressing against the colon. When it puts pressure on the bladder it causes difficulty urinating which can cause straining, disrupted or weak urine flow and presence of blood in the urine. Affected dogs may also have trouble walking as the gland gets inflamed and tender.

See Your Vet

Before trying any home remedies for dog prostate problems, it’s important to have your dog examined by a vet to ensure this is the actual problem. Bladder stones, prostate infections, abscesses, cysts, tumors and urinary tract infections can cause similar symptoms. If your dog is lethargic, has a fever, poor appetite is stiff and has pain near his belly, see your vet- this is often sign of a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.

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Recognize Emergencies

If your dog is unable to urinate, consider that this is a medical emergency. Without the ability to urinate, your dog can go downhill quickly as kidney damage may occur from toxins start building up and accumulating in the body. Affected dogs get lethargic and weak and this can quickly become a life threatening situation. If your dog is blocked and cannot urinate, it’s important to see the vet immediately.

Go Out Often

When a dog develops an enlarged prostate gland, he’ll likely urinate a little bit at a time. It’s important to encourage frequent trips outside so that he has the opportunity to empty his bladder often. Failure to do so, can make him more prone to urinary tract infections as the more the urine concentrates, the more it encourages bacteria overgrowth. If your dog has trouble walking and you must walk him outdoors, make sure you don’t over do it- even mild exercise can be painful.

Make the Stools Soft

When the enlarged gland puts pressure on the rectum, hard stools may be difficult to pass. You can help make those stools soft by letting your dog drink enough water and giving him a stool softener. Don’t use though any enemas as the ones crafted for humans are toxic to dogs. Ask your vet instead for a prescription for lactulose which will help your dog pass stools with ease or look under dog constipation home remedies for some natural tips.

Saw Palmetto

Veterinarian Joeseph Demers in the book The Veterinarian’s Guide to Natural Remedies for Dogs: Safe and Effective, recommends using saw palmetto for prostate problems in dogs. He claims though to have seen good results when it’s combined with acupuncture and homeopathy. Pet Alive produces a product named “Prospet Drops” which is made of saw palmetto, cleavers and echinacea.


If you are tired of dealing with prostate problems in your dog, the ultimate solution is to get your dog neutered. Indeed, the size of the gland is mainly due to the presence of male hormones. It’s estimated that after neutering, the prostate gland shrinks a good 70 percent in size, which solves all the problems related to the enlargement. Indeed, most neutered dogs, will never have a prostate issue for this very reason. If you decide to neuter, consider that reduction in size occurs within a few weeks, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual.

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Decrease with Finasteride

What if you own a stud dog and do not wish to neuter? In such a case, consult with your vet for medications such as finasteride which is meant to reduce the size of the prostate gland. According to Cathy E. Langston, a veterinarian specializing in internal medicine, finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) causes in dogs with prostate enlargement a 70 percent decrease in size within 10 weeks- however, when stopped the enlargement tends to resume within 8 weeks.

Frequent Monitoring

An enlarged prostate requires constant monitoring for signs of worsening and the development of infections or abscesses. If you notice your dog being unable to urinate or defecate, see your vet at once. Also, should your dog develop a fever, loss of appetite, pain and lethargy, see your vet as this can signs of an infection. Keeping an eye on your pal can help you recognize signs of trouble early so they’re easier to treat.

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