Symptoms of a dog urine infection

Dog urine infections are common, especially among female dogs, and are easy to treat if addressed promptly. They are painful and uncomfortable for dogs and should be easy to spot if you are familiar with the symptoms. Knowing the symptoms and acting quickly is critical to stopping dog urinary tract infections before they lead to serious complications or death.

Like the dog digestive system, the canine urinary tract can become infected when harmful bacteria enter the kidney, bladder or urethra. As the bacteria multiply and spread, the infection becomes worse.

Symptoms of a Dog Urine Infection

The most common symptom of a dog urine infection is frequent urination. If your dog is pacing at the window and begging to go outside more often than usual and without having consumed excess water, he may have a urinary tract infection. A dog with an infection may have difficulty controlling his bladder as well.

Urinary infections are painful, and dogs may cry out while urinating, trying to urinate or while walking. Additionally, your dog`s urine may smell unusually foul, and in rare occasions there may be traces of blood present in the urine.

Dogs with urinary infections have highly sensitive urinary tracts, so they tend to lick and rub their genitals frequently, particularly after urinating. Their abdomens may also be tender to the touch.

If your dog displays any of these symptoms, make an appointment for a veterinary exam. A veterinarian can easily diagnose a urinary tract infection with a physical exam and urinalysis tests.

Treating a Dog Urine Infection

Begin the treatment procedure for a canine urinary tract infection as soon as possible after diagnosing the infection. Many pet owners have found it effective to mix in Vitamin C supplements or citrus juice with their dog`s water to help kill and wash out bacteria from his urinary tract. Encourage your dog to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Your vet may recommend limiting your dog`s diet, as certain foods can disrupt the natural healing process following a urinary infection.

Although dogs with urine infections may be reluctant to go for walks if they are experiencing tenderness, take your dog for regular walks and encourage him to urinate. It is only through urinating that he will be able to flush the bacteria out of his system.

In serious cases, your veterinarian may recommend prescription medicines to counteract your pet`s urine infection. In these cases, follow the prescribed dosages and instructions closely to treat the infection as quickly as possible.

If a urine infection is left unattended, it may spread to other parts of your dog`s body and affect his vital organs. Following any symptoms or signs of a urinary tract infection, have your dog examined by a veterinarian and begin treating the infection quickly to defend your dog against more serious medical concerns and to help him return to good health.

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