Dog stung by bee – bee stings on dogs paw, mouth and face treatment

Pets just like humans love to bask in the lovely warm weather. This means that they end up spending most of their time outdoors when the weather is favorable. As a result, they are vulnerable to insect bites and stings. It is not a surprise then to have a dog stung by bee in the course of enjoying great outdoor moments.

Dogs tend to investigate their surroundings using their paws and noses- something that makes these two organs prime targets for insect bites and stings. While a few bee stings on dog may only turn out to be painful and irritating, it is dangerous when a dog gets stung by bees multiple times. Bee stings on dog’s throat or mouth also require immediate veterinary attention.

Swollen dog stung by bee
Swollen dog stung by bees

While you may think that the puncture resulting after a dog is stung by bees is the cause of pain, it is not. The venom injected into the dog after the stick is what causes pain and at times an allergic reaction. We explore these and other aspects to consider in dealing with a dog stung by bee below.

Dog Stung by Bee Symptoms

Video: My dog has been stung - Vet advice

At times, when a dog gets stung, you may not be with it and thus not certain what might have bitten or stung it. Luckily, telling apart a bee sting is easy. To start with, there will be the obvious signs of distress such as running in circles, crying out, trying to lick the affected place as well as salivating. In addition, a dog stung by bee will exhibit symptoms similar to those of humans suffering the same. These are:

  • Presence of the stinger
  • Itchiness
  • Redness
  • Pain

These will be visible at the point of the sting and the severity of the symptoms will depend on the site stung, number of stings experienced, general health of the dog as well as type of bee. Where the dog stung by bee is allergic to the insect’s venom, more severe symptoms will be seen. These are:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Anaphylactic shock

These are indicative of an allergic reaction and should therefore be treated as an emergency.

Dog Stung by Bee Allergic Reaction Symptoms

When a dog is allergic to a bee sting, its wind pipe gets swollen making it hard for your pet to breath. When severe it could cut off breathing completely and cause the dog to suffocate. As such, it is important to seek immediate professional help for a dog stung by bee on the throat or mouth. Always treat these two as an emergency. Additional signs of allergic reactions include:

  • General weakness
  • Swelling that extends beyond the point of sting.
  • Difficulties in breathing.

Dog Stung By Bee on Paw Pad – Bee Sting on Dog Paw

A bee sting on dog paw is not as serious as those around the face and mouth. It can be treated at home by first removing the stingers and working on getting an anecdote that will help relieve the pain.

Bees sting on dog paw pad
Bees sting on dog paw pad

One precaution to follow though is to not allow the stinger to squeeze in deeper than it already is. Also have the dog stung by bee on paw pad keep calm as walking around will inflict more pain

Video: How To Treat Your Dog's Bee Or Wasp Sting

Bee Sting on Dog Face

Dogs are curious pets and most of the times their curiosity will drive them into closely investigating an insect. This they do by sticking their face and nose towards the bees. With their face close to the insects, it is likely for them to get stung on the nose, eyes or tongue in case their mouths are open. After the dog gets stung, it is likely for the face to swell.

The treatment for a dog stung by bee on the face is like that of any other place. This is unless it suffers an allergic reaction or multiple stings in which case you will have to seek immediate veterinary attention.

Bee Sting in Dogs Mouth

My dog got stung by a bee in the mouth, what should I do?

The mouth and inside the nose of a dog are quite sensitive. A bee sting in dog’s mouth may have severe reactions and if not acted upon soon enough may become fatal.

A bee sung by bee in the mouth may have the tongue, throat or palate affected. This mostly happens when a dog catches and tries to eat a bee. This then leads to swelling and could see the wind pipe blocked. Even worse is when the stings are multiple.

To deal with this kind of a bee sting on dog, administer first aid by offering an antihistamine. After this seek immediate medical services and keep close watch on the pet as a bee sting in a dog’s mouth can be extremely dangerous.

How to Treat a Dog Stung by Bee

A dog stung by bee has the stinger lodged in the skin. This kills the bee while as the barbed stinger remains stuck in the skin. Once a dog is stung by a bee, the most immediate action should be to investigate its current status. This will help determine if you should seek immediate professional help or if you should treat the dog at home for itch relief, reduction of swelling as well as to eliminate pain. If you are certain the dog is okay, follow the following steps to treat the bee sting on dog.

1.      Removing the Bee Stinger from a Dog

Unless it is absolutely necessary, never use forceps or stingers to remove the stinger as these could break the stinger or cause the venom sac to rupture leading to the pet getting more exposure to the venom. Instead, do the following:

  • Use a sharp edged piece of plastic such as a credit card.
  • Scrape the stinger out using a single scrap following the diagonal angle.
  • A finger nail or rough cardboard piece could also suffice.

Once you get rid of the stinger, it is now time to apply various means on how to relieve pain for a dog stung by bee. There are a few ways through which this can be achieved. These are discussed below.

2.      Ice Packs to Soothe the Bee Sting

Ice packs will help reduce the resulting swelling as well get rid of the pain. It helps to temporarily numb the area and thus reduce the pain. For the swelling, the cold constricts blood vessels reducing flow of blood to the area. This with time helps to get rid of the swelling.

  • Line an ice pack with a thin towel.
  • Hold this on the swelling for fifteen minutes. Repeat as regularly as may be necessary.

Never use ice packs or cubes directly on the dog as this could cause frost bites.

3.      Deal with the Pain, Swelling and Itch

You can either settle for natural home remedies or over the counter medication to help ease the pain, itch and swelling your dog is experiencing as a result of the bee sting.

Baking Soda Paste

Bee sting venom is acidic in nature. As such, to eliminate the effect of the venom, an alkaline substance is necessary. A great bet would be baking soda which is readily available in the kitchen.

  • Make a baking soda paste by mixing equal parts of water and baking soda.
  • Apply the resulting paste on the bee stings on dog and allow it to dry.

Anti-Allergy Medication

While you may think that the reason your dog is miserable after a bee sting is as a result of the sting, it most likely is not the cause. What causes the pain and swelling is the venom injected into the pet. As such, the first line of treatment should be an antihistamine.

One of the antihistamines that has proved to be well tolerated by dogs is Diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Benadryl. This can be accessed over the counter in the form of pills or injections. The correct dosage for Benadryl for dogs depends on the weight of the dog and is given at 1mg per every pound of body weight.

For the most appropriate care after administering first aid on bee stings on dogs, it is important to consult your veterinarian. They will confirm that everything is okay and instruct on any necessary additional care for the dog stung by bee.

When to See the Veterinarian

A single bee sting can be torturous on a dog. Even worse is having multiple bee stings as these can be unbearable and dangerous in some cases. It is therefore important not to let the dog back to the yard or wherever it encountered the sting at. This will prevent it from additional stings.

Dogs that have little fur are more predisposed to suffer bee stings and can easily suffer multiple stings. A dog stung by bee that suffers dog food allergies on the other hand is likely to have an allergic reaction to bee venom. Consecutive and multiple stings can result in more severe and rapid reactions. In such situations, always seek immediate attention from your veterinarian.

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