Home remedies for dogs constipation: what to give dogs for constipation

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Constipation in dogs involves difficult, infrequent or absent bowel movements. While some of the causes for this can be treated at home, others require a visit to the vet. Learn what are the signs and symptoms, the causes as well as home remedies for dogs constipation.

Constipation in Dogs

Constipation in dogs is the inability to pass stool normally. Like happens in human beings, this condition is painful and uncomfortable. Extended periods of this condition could see your dog suffer long term effects in which bowel evacuation is only done manually. It could also see your dog suffer vomiting bouts. Constipation is more common in older dogs than it is in younger ones. How do you tell a dog is constipated? Below is how.

Dog Constipation Signs – Constipated Dog Symptoms

Dog constipation signs are most of the times obvious. They will include:

  • Failure to defecate for two or more days.
  • In case they pass stool, it is dry and hard. It will look and feel like pebbles.
  • Straining while trying to defecate with little success. They may produce small amounts of liquid stool with blood or none at all.
  • Difficult and painful defecation.

Causes of Constipation in Dogs

For dogs that only suffer constipation once in a long while, the problem mostly has to do with a poor diet and dehydration. However, the problem may at times be more complicated than this with some causes being more serious than others. To effectively use the various home remedies for dogs constipation and also learn when to see a doctor, it is important to know what the causes are. Below are various causes of constipation in dogs.

Medical Causes That Are Likely to Require a Vet’s Attention

Obstruction by a Foreign Object

Dogs can have things obstructing their intestines. As a result, a dog will strain but in the end produce no stool. This is most common for dogs that like ingesting buttons, gravel, plants, toys, rocks and other indigestible objects. A visit to the vet can help reveal this through an xray in which case an emergency surgery will be necessary so as to have it removed.

Video: How To Help Your Dog Overcome Constipation | Bondi Vet

Apart form getting obstruction from objects they ingested, it is also possible for some conditions to cause obstruction. These include an enlarged prostrate, polyps, intestinal intussusception or tumors. These end up blocking the passage of stool.

Rectal Abscesses

Anything that blocks the rectum or anus will lead to constipation in dogs. Fistulas, abscesses or renal tumors could be the cause. Have your vet inspect the area for these abnormalities so they can be treated immediately to ease bowel movement for your dog.

Endocrine conditions

Conditions such as parathyroid or hypothyroidism are known to cause constipation in dogs. Regular thyroid level tests can help tell if this is the cause.

Internal Parasites

Whipworms can cause constipation in your dog. Have it checked to rule out this cause. This will need some stool samples taken though.

Neurological Damage

When dogs suffer neurological damage due to problems such as spinal cord disease or trauma, there are a lot of resulting problems. Your dog may suffer a disruption in the nerves that control bowel movement thus experience bloating.

Pain in the Hindquarters

Conditions such as hip dysplasia, tail problems or back problems will see your dog ache on any slight force exerted around the area. This will see the dog reluctant in emptying the bowels for fear of pain. This results in bloating in dogs.

Side Effects of Medication

Antihistamines, diuretics and antacids may trigger constipation in your pooch. Checking the label on medication can help you stay prepared about the same.

Video: Tips To Cure Your Dog Of Constipation

The above causes require immediate attention by a veterinarian. See one as soon as you suspect them.

Other Causes of Constipation in Dogs

While the causes discussed above are complex and may require medical treatment for the constipation to subside, there are other simple causes. These can be relieved using various natural and home remedies for dogs constipation.

Lack of Dietary Fiber

A poor diet is a common cause of constipation in dogs. Your dog requires enough fiber in his diet to be in a position to pass stool without strain. This will ensure that stool moves without much strain for your dog.


When a dog doesn’t drink up enough water, it may get constipated. Much of the water gets absorbed into the system causing the stool to be quite hard and difficult to pass.

Video: Home Remedies for Constipation in Dogs

An Inactive life

Dogs that do not exercise may have their system slow down. This could cause problems in bowel movement.

Additional causes of constipation in dogs may include:

  • Excessive self grooming resulting in a large amounts of hair collecting in stool.
  • Obesity or a lack of proper grooming leading to matted hair around the anus.

Home Remedies for Dogs Constipation – Natural Remedies for Dog Constipation

Constipation that results from non-medical causes can be easily treated at home using natural home remedies for dogs constipation. There is a variety of these as discussed below.

1.      Pumpkin for Dog Constipation

A great way to avoid and treat constipation in dogs is to feed them with pumpkin. It is a great source of dietary fiber and also has a high water content. You can puree fresh pumpkin that has no additional spices, make pies as well as cupcakes for your dog from it. Canned pumpkin can surface where fresh ones are not available.

2.      Milk

This readily available product is one of the most effective home remedies for dog constipation. Milk serves as a laxative for canines. Serve a small bowl of it to your pooch for relief from constipation in a few hours.

3.      Bran

The use of bran to relieve constipation has been successful on some dogs. When added to your pet’s diet, it acts in the same way as pumpkins and should help solve the problem. Talk to your vet to know how much of it to add.

4.      Aloe Vera Juice

Dog owners have had success eliminating constipation in dogs using a little aloe vera juice. There is however some debate regarding its effectiveness and safety in the veterinary community. Give quarter a teaspoon per 10 pounds of dog body weight one or two times daily on food. Talk to your veterinarian before administering it to your pet.

5.      Canned Foods

For dogs that are exclusively on dry foods, feeding them canned food could help. Switch to canned food for two days and the moisture content in these will see your dog have a bowel movement within 12 hours.

6.      Ginger

Another one of the many home remedies for dogs constipation is ginger. In addition to aiding in bowel movements it is also known to offer other digestive health benefits. Add quarter a teaspoon of ginger to half a cup of beef or chicken broth and feed it to the affected dog.

7.      Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to remedy quite a number of conditions in both humans and pets. It can help in alleviating constipation in dogs when administered twice daily. Use quarter a teaspoon per 10 pounds of dog body weight.

8.      Olive Oil

Among the most effective home remedies for dogs constipation is olive oil. Its use aids in bowel movement by lubricating the stool. This can be added to the dog’s food to help it eliminate. The home remedy should be administered with caution as too much of the oil could lead to diarrhea. Mineral oil can be used for the same purpose too.

9.      Powdered psyllium seed

These help in pulling water into the stool and thus aid in pulling it along for evacuation.

10.  Water and Fluids

Dehydration can result in constipation. To aid defecation in your dog, ensure it takes enough fluids. This could be plain water or beef, chicken or even bone broth for dogs.

What to Give Dogs for Constipation

In case you are wondering what to give dogs for constipation other than the natural home remedies for constipation discussed above, here are a few more remedies you can talk to your veterinarian about:


It is possible to get supplements with ingredients that will aid in treating constipation in dogs. These will mostly contain folic acid, acidophilus and vegetable enzymes. They can be used as home remedies for dogs constipation. Ask your vet for recommendations.


Seek direction from your vet on whether you can give laxatives to your dog. The amount to be administered should be determined by the weight. Follow directions given.


Enemas are known to be effective dog constipation relief remedies. Where this is a viable option your veterinarian can offer you direction on how to go about it.

Milk of Magnesia

Small amounts of milk of magnesia can be used to treat constipation in dogs at home.

Puppy Constipation Remedies

Puppies too get constipated. Where it seems that they are healthy and happy despite their difficulty to pass stool, you can treat it at home. The puppy constipation remedies do not differ from those used for grownups. The only variation there may be is in the amount administered.

You can use milk, bran, pumpkin or oil to remedy constipation in puppies. Trimming their hair and engaging them in exercise could also help.

Talk to your vet if after using the various home remedies for dogs constipation your puppy or grown up pooch does not engage in bowel movement with ease.

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