Can I give my dog chia seeds?

Video: BELCANDO | dog food ingredients #4 Chia seeds

Can I Give My Dog Chia Seeds?Chia seeds offer some fantastic health benefits so let’s find out if they’re suitable for sharing with your pet dog. If Fido can properly digest these protein-packed seeds then perhaps they can occasionally be part of an excellent treat.

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Consider that dogs have fairly short and quick digestive systems as well as fast metabolism. Chia seeds, therefore, may not be absorbed enough to actually be of benefit. So it’s possible that the nutritional benefits would be wasted.

In any case, there’s nothing particularly harmful about this health food. Just know that if Chia seeds are coming out the other end, undigested, that would reveal a lot. It may not make much sense to feed them to the family dog.

Can I Give My Dog Chia Seeds? Answer: Yes, but not a great idea

Though this seed is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, there’s likely no valid reason to share.

Unlike humans, where we need a laundry list of different foods and supplements, dogs are pretty simple. They only require their basic nutritional intake from the dog food they regularly eat. It’s already been fortified with everything they need, unlike our foods that have nutritional gaps in them.

So the downside to being a dog is that you have to eat the same food every day, but the upside is that they don’t need to base their whole life around food, and they can just wolf it down and get on with their business. So it’s a good idea not to get swept away in all of the new health fads that come around for humans every single week or so.

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You don’t need to supplement a dog’s diet as long as you are giving them the good stuff. A better way to go about it is to put all the money that you would be spending on supplements for your dog into the best quality dog food you can buy.

Chia Seeds are Very Healthy

Chia seeds are full of omega-3’s which is why they are really catching on as a health food. They’ve also been credited as being a way to lose weight without feeling hungry. Chia seeds can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and give you more energy. They’ve even been said to help with anti-aging because of the antioxidants they contain.

But none of these factors will actually help your dog out. It’s really just wishful thinking so it’s best to just not even worry about it. Keep them for yourself instead and save your money.

A Simple Diet is Best

The simplicity of a dog is something that most owners enjoy. It can be easy to get into a state of fretting for your dog’s well-being, but you really don’t need to create a problem where there isn’t one, and you don’t need to start adding things to their daily diet that they don’t need, and won’t have any effect anyway.


One of the best things about a dog is that once you improve their intake of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that they can actually absorb you are going to notice an almost instant boost in their energy levels and happiness. You’ll see them running around more than than they used to, you’ll see a shinier coat, they’ll have fresher breath, and you’ll see their muscle structure improve if they are a muscular breed.

The reason is that unlike a human, a dog is pretty much subjected to whatever you feed it. They don’t really have two worry about something like willpower or food cravings because they are eating what you give them.

As long as you have the wherewithal to give your dog only what it needs, and don’t feed it a bunch of people food or supplements made for humans, they will basically be on a very healthy diet and the difference can be seen in a matter of days.

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