Can I give my dog sesame seeds?

Video: Sesame Balls Recipe (Goma Dango) ゴマ団子(芝麻球) 作り方 レシピ

Can I Give My Dog Sesame Seeds?Sesame seeds are in many recipes. Bagels, breads and hamburger buns are usually where they show up. In any case, allergies is a small concern when sharing these nutty seeds with a pet dog.

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A bit of sprinkled sesame seeds is unlikely to have any adverse effects. If your dog’s already had a taste, and they appear to be fine, then you likley don’t need to worry yourself about it.

Nutritionally speaking, sesame seeds are super but there are downsides for dogs. They have lots of protein and many other excellent vitamins, but they’re also high in calories and carbs. If your curious canine occasionally gets to eat these seeds be sure to limit portions.

Can I Give My Dog Sesame Seeds? Answer: Yes, moderation

Even humans consume only small portions of these nutty seeds. Ration for Fido as well.

There is nothing harmful about sharing a small sampling of sesame seeds with a pet dog. They’re a great nutritional supplement, but it depends on how they are served. If sesame seeds are attached to a big bad bagel then, obviously, this is a poor feeding choice for any dog. Likewise, sesame seeds on a McDonald’s Big Mac is much different than sprinkling a bit onto regular canine chow.

Everything in moderation and for sesame seeds in particular.

Sharing Some Sesame Seeds

Be smart when you give your dog a taste of delicious sesame seeds. Any human food, but especially this type, needs to be limited to pets. The high levels of carbs combined with calorie density makes this a sensible sesame seed policy.

Video: Buchi/Sesame Seed Balls

It’s great news these nutty seeds aren’t toxic for dogs. In fact, they are loaded with healthy natural oils, magnesium, iron, calcium and fiber. Sesame seeds are certainly a health food. Allergies, though, can’t be ruled out. Be cautious when feeding your dog.

On Cookies, Pretzels, Buns

No doubt that sesame seeds are nutritious when fed to dogs sparingly. The problem is people foods that incorporate these seeds tend to be hamburger buns, pretzels and cookies.

Video: How to Make BAKED Sesame Seed Balls / Jin Deui (芝麻球 Recipe) 揚げないヘルシーゴマ団子 (レシピ)

Sometimes sesame seeds even show up on sushi rolls. Of course, some of these foods should not be given to pet dogs, especially on any kind of regular basis.

Doggie Digestion Doubts

There’s another potential drawback to sharing sesame seeds with dogs. It’s likely that you’ll see them, undigested, in your best buddy’s bowel movements. This indicates that the sesame seeds aren’t being broken down.

There’s nothing to be alarmed about if this is the case with your dog. You just have to be realistic when you feed these types of human foods to Fido.

Different Types of Seeds

While we are on the topic of sesame seeds, let’s touch on other kinds of seeds and their appropriateness for dogs. Many fruits, watermelon for example, contain seeds or pits.

These are not edible and well-cared for pets should never be allowed to consume any seeds found inside fruit. So these foods, while healthy, need to be properly prepared for dogs.

Chia seeds, however, are another super seed that offers fabulous nutritional benefits. Dogs can partake on occasion.

Conclusion on Sesame Seeds

You can give your dog small amounts of sesame seeds. This nutty seed can be a good addition to routine meals. They contain proteins and other valuable vitamins and minerals. There are however, scenarios where sesame seeds are a bad idea. Obviously, don’t feed your dog these healthy seeds when they’re stuck to a doughy bagel or fattening burger bun.

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