Can I give my dog motrin?

Can I Give My Dog Motrin?Motrin is one of the most common pain reliever medicines used by people for mild to severe pain. While not intended for dogs, when a headache hits you, taking a Motrin tablet can usually provide almost instant relief. Likewise, if you have back pain or joint pain, this drug can help.

Unfortunately, pet dogs are not spared from similar types of pain. They experience all kinds of similar issues such as headaches, back aches and joint pain. You may notice that they whine when you touch certain parts of their bodies. This usually indicates some degree of pain or tenderness around that particular area.

So, should you give Motrin to a dog in pain? Will this over-the-counter medicine ease their suffering safely and effectively?

Can I Give My Dog Motrin? Answer: No

Never give your dog Motrin. It’s one of the most dangerous human medicines that can be given to pet dogs.

Actually, most pain relievers that are being used by humans are harmful for dogs. Please resist the urge to give this human pain reliever to dogs.

Even if your dog survives the initial dosage of a pain reliever like Motrin, you shouldn’t feel confident that it has no adverse effects on your dog. The toxicity in these types of medicines can build-up in a dogs’ system leading to more serious problems later on.

Spotting K9 Pain

Since your dog cannot fully express how he or she feels, you as the dog owner should be very observant. If your usually energetic dog becomes suddenly sleepy and weak, you should suspect that something is wrong. Are they just lying around your feet all day and not begging you to play? Your dog could be in some kind of pain or they could be suffering from depression.

By closely monitoring your dog’s unusual mannerisms, you can inform your veterinarian so they can better evaluate the situation and prescribe the proper medicine needed for your K9’s particular case.

The Tell-Tale Signs

Sleeping too much is not a good sign especially if your dog is typically active. Limping is another sign that you should be wary of. If a dog is limping, it could mean that a paw or limb is in pain or fractured. Motrin won’t help with this, in fact it will make matters worse. Instead, check them for cuts or sores in the affected area to prevent possible infections. Later you may need to visit a vet.

Licking a certain part of the body is another telltale sign of pain or discomfort. The act of licking is actually your dog’s defense mechanism for healing their own pain or wounds. In such a case you should immediately check on the exact spot that your dog is licking to see if there are any visible signs of wound or infection. Again, there is no need for Motrin as it is extremely harmful.

Your dog’s appetite is also a good gauge of his or her health. Loss of appetite can mean that your dog is not feeling well. It can be compared to people who are sick and find even the tastiest of foods unappealing. Make sure plenty of water is available at all times and call a vet if the problem lingers. Don’t assume anything here because they need to be properly diagnosed. Whatever you do, don’t just give your dog pain relievers indiscriminately.

Motrin Poisoning Symptoms

What’s done is done. If you have accidentally given Motrin to your canine friend, out of desperation to ease their pain, you should closely observe them for signs of poisoning.

An elevated temperature is not a good sign. A typical dogs’ temperature should not be higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit or 39 degrees Celsius. Watch for vomiting and symptoms of stomach pain as well. If your dog’s poop contains blood, you should bring him or her to a vet right away.

Safety First!

No matter how good your intentions are, you can accidentally hurt your pet dog by not knowing which human medicines are safe and which are dangerous for the canine breed.

If you really need to give a pain reliever to your dog and you can’t find any vet around to consult, you can give them a baby aspirin. This is totally safe for dogs, in proper doses, and it will provide some relief to your furry friend until you can call a vet.

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