Can I give my dog pepcid ac?

Can I Give My Dog Pepcid AC?Pepcid AC is often used for treating dogs with upset stomach, gastric reflux and associated symptoms. For safest results, learn as much as possible before providing this over-the-counter medication to your best bud.

Many dogs experience symptomatic gastrointestinal issues. Pepcid, also known as Famotidine, can help but long term stomach problems should really be addressed by a veterinary professional.

In other words, don’t experiment with Pepcid AC. Medicating the family dog is serious business. Here we’ll talk usage, including proper dosage, and other important considerations.

Can I Give My Dog Pepcid AC? Answer: Yes, but not for long term use

This histamine blocker is frequently prescribed for treating canine ulcers, gastritis and other stomach problems.

Obviously this is a medication that was developed for humans, but it’s been found effective and generally safe for dogs. It reduces stomach acid levels so mild gastrointestinal episodes can be treated with Pepcid AC. One of the biggest benefits for dogs may be it’s ability to allow stomach ulcers to heal. Symptoms typically clear up within 24-hours but more serious situations should be addressed with the guidance of a vet.

A high quality probiotic designed for dogs may be a more desirable fix than Pepcid.

Dosing Pepcid AC for Dogs

Many dog owners use Pepcid AC without a prescription. If you are planning to do so, know the correct dosage to prevent complications. It should be given on an empty stomach but never administer more than half of a milligram (0.5mg) per pound of your dog’s body weight. The consensus is a dose between 0.25mg to half of 1mg for each pound, either once or twice daily.

Before providing Pepcid, or something similar, you really should speak with a vet. Actually, a diagnosis should be carried out if your dog has recurring stomach issues. Never combine medications and Pepcid isn’t for pregnant or nursing dogs or those with liver, kidney or heart disease.

Dog Diagnosis Difficulties

There are many reasons why dogs get upset stomach or GERD. Overeating is the most common culprit. If they go through trash then a stomach problem is inevitable. Another reason could be an abrupt change in diet which could upset a delicate gastrointestinal balance.

Long term vomiting, and stomach troubles, are signs of something more serious. Your dog could possibly have worms or worse. Parvovirus is a deadly disease which is why a vet visit is smart. A hit or miss approach with Pepcid isn’t the way to go!

Some Things You Can Do

If your dog is vomiting, try Pedialyte to hydrate them, and offer ice chips or partially melted ice cubes for nausea relief. Assuming the cause of upset stomach is the food they’ve eaten, allow them to fast in order to give the digestive tract time to recover. Fasting can be 24 hours for an adult dog. Puppies should be limited to 12 hours.

Video: A True Story of Water Fasting on Pepcid AC for 10 Days!

A bland diet, like rice and boiled chicken, given during recovery is usually effective. Remove the skin because an upset stomach is sensitive to oily foods. Also, get some canine-formulated grain-free lamb meat meals since they’re easier on the stomach. Pepcid AC is often unnecessary.

Checking for Dehydration

Severe dehydration is a serious problem so know how to check for it. Simply lift up your dog’s skin on the shoulder blade area. If the skin immediately returns to it’s place, then you have nothing to worry about.

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Your dog may be severely dehydrated if the skin takes a few seconds to return to a normal position. Such a scenario shouldn’t be taken lightly, and an intravenous hydration procedure may be needed. Pepcid doesn’t hydrate!

Conclusion on Pepcid-AC

You can treat your dog’s upset stomach with a proper dose of Pepcid AC. Recurring gastrointestinal problems, however, should be treated by a vet. In truth, all human OTC meds are a potential danger to pets to some degree. Your dog’s hydration needs to be closely monitored during Pepcid AC use, and particularly during times of sickness with vomiting.

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