Can I give my dog raw foods?

Can I Give My Dog Raw Foods?Awhile ago there was a pet food recall. That created more interest in raw foods. Nonetheless, many dog owners remain confused and rightfully cautious. There’s so much conflicting info!

What’s certain is that folks are increasingly abandoning commercial dog food in favor of alternatives. A raw food diet, though, is still something that most folks can’t fully commit to.

Still, some aspects of a pet’s diet can be raw. We’ll compare a few popular raw food diets. This way you’ll get a better idea as to which one is right for your dog.

Can I Give My Dog Raw Foods? Answer: Yes, but a strict raw diet isn’t easy

Feeding raw vegetables is one thing, but a complete raw food diet is quite another.

There are many pros and cons to consider before making such a major change. If your dog is already healthy, switching to raw foods exclusively may not be a good idea. Another factor is the difficulty of maintaining your dog’s nutritional needs. Commercial dog foods, the premium brands at least, are much better than decades past.

Are you up for the challenge that a raw food diet requires? Often times getting a high-quality dog food is the most sensible choice.

Practical Considerations

Nowadays most people lead busy lives. Going to all raw foods, when done right, takes considerable time to prepare. Changing over means you’ll lose the convenience that commercial dog foods offer.

If your intent is to make a big difference in your dog’s life, then taking the raw food plunge may be worth it. You just need to be knowledgeable to go about it the right way.

The BARF Diet Plan

With the Biologically Appropriate Raw Food plan you’ll be incorporating various raw meats and evaluating the results. It involves preparing uncooked muscle and organs as well.


Another aspect to this diet is raw bones, which is a controversy in its own right. Veggies, sometimes yogurt and cottage cheese can also be incorporated into BARF.

Those who view this raw food strategy favorably claim you’ll see benefits. Extra enzymes are absorbed, those that commercial dog food cannot provide. It makes sense, but you can actually take it even further!

Video: Raw Food / BARF For Dogs

The Prey Model Plan

Another way to feed raw foods to dogs is with the Prey Model. Similar to BARF, it takes into account that your dog is related to wild wolfs. The philosophy considers your buddy to be a carnivorous beast.

As such, your dog will eat by gnawing on and tearing apart unprepared meat muscle. They’ll even consume edible bones as well as organs. We’re talking whole carcasses, like in the wilderness!

A benefit to this type of raw food approach is improved dental health. In comparison to others, the Prey Model is a hands-off approach. It requires less work. There are, however, some drawbacks.

Nutritional Balance Difficulty

The biggest problem with raw food plans is that your dog may not consistently get a balanced diet. Certain deficiencies are common, unless you really know what you’re doing.

You have people on both sides of the debate. Each claiming that their pet’s have shiner coats, more energy, etc. So who is right?

Top commercial dog foods and these raw food diets can both keep dogs happy and healthy. They’re all valid diet plans. The difference is that conventional canine chow is much easier and consistent.

Conclusion on Raw Foods

You can feed your dog raw foods. Certain veggies are especially easy to share. Switching over to a true raw diet requires commitment and planning. There are many health benefits, and risks, to going raw. If your dog is prone to allergies, raw foods are something to consider. Consulting with a veterinary nutritionist is highly recommended.

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