What to look for in a dog groomer

It’s time to have your dog groomed, but do you know what you should look for when choosing your groomer? Price is only one of the things you should be concerned with. This list by Deborah Bell of Patch.com explains some other qualities you should take into consideration.

Video: How I Became The Dog Groomer

What to Look for in a Dog Groomer

  • Experience. I have a relationship with my customers from the first time they come in. the first grooming, you have to develop a bond between the dog and groomer. if you don’t stick with the same person, and you go from shop to shop. if you can go back to that groomer, and they’re there that month.
  • Establish a relationship. A groomer knows your dog. He’ll know if your dog has a lump you might not have noticed. He can alert you to problems before they get bad, such as an ear infection or a bladder infection. A groomer who works with your dog over the dog’s lifetime knows your dog well.
  • Stick with a groomer who works well with your dog. “Shop hopping” doesn’t do your dog any favors.
  • Ask for your vet for a recommendation. The best response is word of mouth. If you like and trust your vet, chances are he’ll be able to make a good groomer recommendation.
  • Beware if you can’t see where your dog is being put. Some shops keep the dogs out of sight, and that’s not a good sign. People should be able to see what’s going on with their pet’s care.
  • The shop should seem clean. There shouldn’t be any odors, ever. Trust your senses. If it doesn’t seem clean, don’t leave your dog there.
  • Pet illnesses can be communicated in a grooming shop, such as kennel cough, which is airborne. There’s a vaccine for it, but that isn’t even 100 percent effective. Bleach is the answer:  the crates, the floors should also be disinfected.
  • The attitude of the groomer. He should be friendly to you, but also friendly to your pet. The groomer should seem as if he likes animals.
  • If the dog looks good after being groomed, tell your groomer. Everyone likes to hear that they’re doing a good job.
  • Avoid cage drying at all costs. Dogs who are caged dried can suffer. Blowing hot air into a cage vents and heats up the dog. if you don’t watch the dog, the dog can become dehydrated from forced air heat. A dog should be throughly dried and brushed on a table. Cage drying can make a dog lame, especially an older dog.
  • Take everything into consideration. Are you getting a total price for grooming, or is it piecemeal? Small costs can add up. Don’t be nickeled and dimed.

Video: Most Adorable Pet Groomer Caught Dancing With A Client's Puppy

Now you know what to look for in a dog groomer! You can read the original list here. Do you have your dog groomed regularly? Let us know in the comments below.

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