Dog cough: it could be a symptom of serious illness

Video: Kennel Cough Home Remedy

Dog Cough

Dog cough can have a number of causes. Dog coughing can be a symptom of a serious underlying condition such as heartworm. Dog cough can be a result of fungal infections, distemper, or tuberculosis. Your dog`s coughing can be a result of allergies or pollutants in the air such as cigarette smoke. Canine cough can be self-perpetuating because dog cough dries the mucus membranes of the throat, leading to further irritation. Dog kennel cough symptoms include a high-pitched dry cough. A dog suffering from kennel cough may exhibit no other symptoms. Kennel cough is contagious and kennel cough treatment often involves isolation, medication and rest. A humidifier might be useful to ease the dry throat your dog might experience due to dog kennel cough. Canine cough can be an early symptom of distemper. Puppies are vulnerable to distemper so be especially wary of a puppy cough. Don`t assume your puppy has been vaccinated against distemper- ask your vet to make sure. Distemper is easily preventable, but deadly. Heartworms and other internal parasites can be at the root of dog cough. Heartworms infect the heart muscle itself, and can lead to congestive heart failure, shortness of breath and dog coughing. Roundworms are another internal parasite that can cause dog coughing. Tuberculosis is another cause of canine cough. Tuberculosis isn`t common in dogs, but the dog cough associated with this disease is a wet, moist one. A tubercular dog may hack up bloody sputum, and exhibit labored breathing. Tuberculosis is bacterial and can be treated with antibiotics. Be aware that dogs and humans can infect one another with tuberculosis. Your vet will probably diagnose tuberculosis with chest X-rays. Some types of fungal disease manifest the same canine cough symptoms as tuberculosis. Dogs exposed to bird dung are most vulnerable to these types of fungal infections. Coccidiosis is a protozoan disease that occurs in dirty kennels. Symptoms of infection are similar to distemper. Allergies could also be the reason for your dog`s coughing. If your dog`s coughing occurs repeatedly, is accompanied by any other symptoms, or results in a discharge, consult your vet to determine its cause and treatment options.

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