Why does my dog do that? Weird dog behaviors explained

Why does my dog howl when she hears an ambulance or a certain song?


It’s not uncommon for dogs to howl when hearing certain sounds. Many dog owners have reported howling when ambulances are near by, when a certain song comes on the radio, or when they play an instrument.

Fun Fact: Dozens of pet parents have uploaded video to YouTube of their dogs howling to the Law & Order television show’s theme song! Here’s just one such video:

Howling is, in fact, another ancestral behavior that continues in today’s domesticated dogs. Many people mistakenly believe that dogs howl because the sound they’re hearing is hurting their ears – this simply isn’t true.

Dogs display a number of behaviors when they’re in pain – panting, hiding, whining or whimpering, restlessness, etc. – very rarely is howling a response to pain.

Howling is a form of communication in dogs. It is a way for dogs to signal their presence to other dogs that are often located far away. It is common in wolves and coyotes, both relatives of today’s domestic dog. Sometimes dogs will howl when they hear sirens or other loud higher pitched sounds like clarinets and flutes (or the ambulance or theme song that sets them off). Dogs do this as an instinctive response to hearing what they interpret to be another howling dog in the distance. They are not doing this because it hurts their ears.

So, the next time you see that viral video of the adorable dog playing the piano and howling along, smile and enjoy it – he certainly is!

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