6 Good reasons not to get a dog

Good Reasons NOT to Get a Dog

On a site like this one, you’re probably expecting to read articles about how wonderful it is to own a dog and how everyone needs a dog in their family. Although we sure do love dogs, and we think they are a great addition to your family, there are also a few good reasons NOT to get a dog.

Most people love dogs, puppies especially. As we get older and we think about moving out of our parent’s house, many of us think about adopting a dog to keep us company. Or maybe you’ve got a family of our own, you’re about to retire, or you’ve recently lost a pet and want to find another companion. Whatever the reason, sometimes it just seems like a good time to get a dog.

Sometimes, even if we love dogs and want to have one of our own, there are just circumstances that make it hard to provide for a dog the way he deserves. If you’re wondering if now is really the right time to get a dog, here are 6 good reasons NOT to get a dog.

6 Good Reasons NOT to Get a Dog

Good Reasons NOT to Get a Dog1. You’re Just Not a Dog Person

Take a minute and just ask yourself: “Do I really like dogs? Do I really like animals in general?” Some people just do not like dogs – and that’s OK! You don’t have to force it, and it’s worse if you adopt a dog and decide that being a dog owner isn’t for you.

Be honest with yourself, and be honest with people if they criticize you for not liking dogs. It’s your life – you don’t have to do what everyone thinks you should.

2. You’re Just Lonely

Trust me, I get it. I got my first two dogs shortly after moving out of my (loud, crowded, active) parent’s house because I couldn’t handle the silence. Then reality set in, and I realized I was responsible for two living creatures on top of paying the rent, going to school full time, and somehow still having a social life.

It certainly cured the loneliness, but it put undue stress on me and my finances (and my free time). If you’re feeling lonely, try to fill the void with friends and family, rather than adopting a fur baby you might not be ready for. Adopting a dog just for the company is on of the top good reasons not to get a dog.

3. You’re Insanely Busy

The time to adopt a dog is not when you barely have time to sleep or eat, let alone potty train a dog. Dogs, and especially puppies, require a ton of energy and time upfront in order to get them settled, trained, and acclimated to their new life.

If you’re working, going to school, have small children, travel a lot, etc., you really need to sit down and evaluate how much time you can commit. If you decide it’s not enough time, that’s OK! You can wait until you have more time.

Good Reasons NOT to Get a Dog

4. You’re Broke

You may be thinking, “Hey, at least a dog is cheaper than a kid.” Wrong. Kids may be expensive, but odds are you haven’t really thought about how expensive a dog really is. It’s not just the adoption fee or purchase price. If you’ve never had a dog before you have to take into account the supplies you’ll need like:

  • a crate
  • water bowl
  • food bowl
  • dog food
  • leash and collar
  • toys
  • vet bills
  • replacements for the things they chew

…and the list goes on and on!

READ THIS: How Much Does a Dog Cost? Budgeting Guide for Dog Owners

Then there is the dreaded emergency vet bill. What if your new fur friend has a medical condition, or eats a whole drawer full of your socks (speaking from experience here)? What if you take your dog for a hike and he needs stitches and antibiotics? Things happen, and they often cost a lot of money when they do.

If you’re already having a hard time making ends meet, throwing a variable like a new puppy in the mix might end in disaster. This is one of the most important good reasons NOT to get a dog!

It’s better to say that now is not the right time to adopt a canine companion than to say you have to find a new home for your lovable pooch if something goes wrong.

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