20 Most fascinating scientific studies on dogs

Best Scientific Studies on Dogs

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We all know that dogs are amazing, but do you know just how amazing they really are? Scientists have been carrying out many different studies on dogs over the years, and they have discovered numerous fascinating and truly unbelievable things about them. The best scientific studies on dogs have proven many things about the species and their connection to humans.

Science is proving that dogs are very beneficial to our physical and mental well-being. I mean, we don’t call them “man’s best friend” for nothing, right? Studies have been done on the effects of dogs on humans, including children, and how they benefit us both mentally and physically.

Most of us probably don’t spend a whole lot of time reading up on different canine studies done over the years. Today I’d like to share a few of the best scientific studies on dogs with you, because I think you’ll be surprised at some of the findings.

Best Scientific Studies on Dogs

Best Scientific Studies on Dogs1. Pets keep us fit

Dog owners are much fitter because they own a dog, which makes sense if you think about it. You have to walk your dog daily to keep him happy and fit, and so you too become fitter.

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A study that included 2,000 adults discovered that those who regularly walked their dog were less likely to be obese, compared with those who didn’t have a dog to walk. Older walkers can benefit too, as in another study it was found that walkers aged between 71 and 82 could walk longer and indeed faster than non dog walkers.

Read more about the study: https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16459211

2. Dogs can prevent allergies and help boost your immune system

Studies have discovered that living with a dog, especially when you’re young, will prevent you from having allergies when you’re older. By having a dog, your immune system is boosted and the pet will also lower your risk of suffering from asthma and also eczema. Your immune system doesn’t need long with a dog to be boosted either – just a short amount of time is enough.

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One of the best scientific studies on dogs showed that just patting a dog for 18 minutes increased saliva and raised immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in the saliva. These raised levels mean that you have a very strong immune system.

Dogs reduce stressRead more about the study: https://habri.org/immunity

3. Dogs reduce stress

Studies have found that owning a dog can greatly reduce your stress levels. When you have contact with a dog your stress response is lowered, and this lowers stress hormones like cortisol and your heart rate is lowered too.

Dogs can also help to lower anxiety and fear and will help to increase feelings of calmness. A study found that elderly people who walked their dogs every day had an enhanced heart rate, which is a sign of low stress levels.

Read more about the study: https://mja.com.au/journal/2006/184/2/effect-dog-walking-autonomic-nervous-activity-senior-citizens

4. Dogs make you more social

Studies have found that dogs make us more social, as when we walk our dogs we are out and about meeting and greeting different people. They act as icebreakers and people are far more likely to talk to you if you have a dog. One study discovered that people in wheelchairs who are with dogs received more smiles from others.

Read more about the study: https://health.harvard.edu/blog/pets-can-help-their-humans-create-friendships-find-social-support-201505067981

Best Scientific Studies on Dogs

5. Dogs prevent heart attacks and strokes

Some of the best scientific studies on dogs relating to heart health have discovered that dogs can dramatically reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Dog owners have a decrease in blood pressure compared to non dog owners. Dog owners also have a reduction in cholesterol levels and also triglyceride levels.

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If you have high levels of these then your chances of having a heart attack or stroke is high. Studies also found that if you have already had a heart attack or stroke you will recover faster if you have a dog.

Read more about the study: https://circ.ahajournals.org/content/early/2013/05/09/CIR.0b013e31829201e1.full.pdf

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