Are spider plants poisonous to cats?

It can feel like cats are natural little troublemakers sometimes when they seem to get into everything! They like to explore and look around, and seem especially interested in the plants around the house. We might never think about plants like the spider plant being toxic to us, but is the spider plant toxic to cats when they inevitably try chewing on them?

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spider plant cats poisonous

About Spider Plants

Spider plants are pretty common around the house actually, mostly since they look so pretty hanging and don’t need to take up too much space. They grow quickly everywhere in the world despite their native home of Asia and Africa, and even have the nickname “cat’s whiskers,” which I thought was very fitting. Their leaves are grassy green, striped yellow, or even white. If you’re thinking about where to hang them, they grow best in bright, indirect light indoors, extending to around 2 and ½ feet wide and as much as 2 to 3 feet long.

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Replanting them can actually help them grow better too so they don’t break through their containers. I’m sure you can imagine them even now! Cats love them just as much as humans too, although the real question is why.

Why Do Cats Love Them?

Well it’s not really because of scent. Sorry, but the spider plant isn’t like the usual flower- it doesn’t give off a huge smell. It does hang tauntingly in all sorts of directions, providing the perfect source of entertainment for a bored house pet. The real reason cats love them though is actually because they are mildly hallucinogenic. I didn’t see that coming either!

No, they won’t affect you in any way, but spider plants are a little like catnip to cats since they produce some chemicals that trigger that intense fascination. Catnip isn’t toxic to cats, although the spider plant might be a different story.

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Are Spider Plants Poisonous to Cats?

Like the proud pet parents we are, we need to know what is safe for our cats to munch on and what we should be concerned about. We know that the spider plant has some mild hallucinogens that attract cats, but are they really safe?

In the end, the spider plant is fine for your cat. Any actual hallucinogenic effect is harmless, and according to the ASPCA, the spider plant is not toxic to either cats or any other pets around your house. What a big relief, right? The ASPCA does advise caution however when it comes to these plants still, largely because there can be some unfortunate effects regardless of the lack of toxicity.

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Video: Cats and Spider Plants

Effects on Your Cat

Yes, there are some hallucinogenic properties, but remember that they are very mild and will not have major effects on your cat besides some wild or jumpy behavior. You do need to be aware of the fact that despite the fact that these plants are not toxic, they might put your cat as risk if they eat too much. This is why it’s still recommended to keep your cat away from these plants if you can.

The opium-related compounds might give your cat an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. You can see this if you take a look in the litter box and find watery or loose stools. Your cat also might be hunched over and in pain. Go to the vet of course, but before you pack your car, check to see if the spider plant looks like it’s been chewed on. It’ll help your vet figure out your kitty’s problems that much faster.

Stop Eating That!

Sometimes we all feel like our pets are our children, especially when we end up yelling at them not to eat things about every five minutes! You might want to consider stopping your cat from eating the spider plant too considering the possible negative side effects. It seems almost impossible to get them to listen sometimes though! Luckily there are some simple ways to keep the cat away from the spider plant.


Hang it up high!
Spider plants are usually hung, so just put it in a place your cat can’t reach. If you don’t have a place like that, put a little bit of something bitter on the leaves to try and dissuade your cat from eating.

Pruning the plant might help too, and if all of this doesn’t work, go for a distraction! There are tons of great indoor grasses that are perfectly safe for your cat to munch on instead of the spider plant. Make sure to place it somewhere different than your spider plant, and replace it when it dies off. It will cause your cat to vomit, so simply be aware of that.

Cat grass is luckily easy to grow and all around the supermarket, right along with cat toys. A tired cat is less likely to get into trouble, so a little play time will do wonders!

Are spider plants dangerous to cats? The answer is yes and no. While they aren’t toxic, the spider plant can still cause your cat distress. In the end, it might be better to avoid them altogether to keep your cat healthy and happy. Our little troublemakers might not understand when you hang your plant too far away to reach, but they’ll thank you later when they’re feeling as good as ever!

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