Can I get lyme disease from my dog?

Video: Can I Get Lyme Disease From My Dog?: Tick-SR

Lyme disease in a dog is a bacterial infection spread through tick bites. The main sign of Lyme disease infection is a large, round, red rash around the bite area. Lyme disease bacterium affects the skin, joints, muscles, heart and nervous system. It`s not possible for people to get Lyme disease from dogs.

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Lyme Disease Cannot Be Passed from a Dog to a Human

There is no evidence of people getting Lyme disease from dogs, nor any other animals. There is also no evidence one get get Lyme disease from the food, from the air, nor from sexual contact. The only way a human can get Lyme disease is from being bitten by a tick (not a mosquito, nor any other insect) carrying Lyme disease. Not all people who have been bitten contract the disease. Infected ticks usually will stay attached to the host for at least 36 hours before spreading the disease. The main sign of being infected with Lyme disease is a large, round, red rash around the bite area. Lyme disease bacterium affects the skin, joints, muscles, heart and nervous system.

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