Dog cuddles kitten the first day they met- 7 months later, nothing has changed!

We’ve seen some adorable stories of maternal Collies before, and today, we’re here to bring you another!

Video: Orphaned Kitten Guards Her Little Brother Since Day One, Now 10 Months Later

About 7 months ago, Reddit user doihavetosignup posted a picture of the family dog, a Collie named Molly, snuggling with new kitten Moses, who they found abandoned. The Redditor decided to share the adorable photo, sent by their mom.

A few days ago–at Mom’s request–doihavetosignup posted an updated album of the precious pair. Apparently, Moses has learned a lot from his pup parent over the past several months.


The user said that Moses, “thinks he is a dog, because he grew up with the two dogs as his mothers, and never had much to do with our other cats.”

Not only has Molly adopted Moses as her own, it looks like these two have been cuddly companions since day one! Check out the adorable pictures below.

Video: Kitten runt won't stop cuddling with his human mom, comforts her when she's sick

“My parents got a new kitten last week. They keep sending me pictures and calling to say how cute it is and how well the dog has accepted it. Just received this picture. They were not lying,” posted the Redditor 7 months ago.

dog 1

“Find the kitten!”

dog 2

Then, they shared a new album:

“Half a year ago I posted a picture that my mom sent me of our kitten and dog to reddit (which she has a vague idea of what is). She just sent me an entire album, asking specifically if it was possible to make a follow up post. I dare not disobey…”

dog 3
dog 4

“This is my cat and only mine!”

dog 5

“Actually, Moses is very good friends with both of them…”

dog 6
dog 9
dog 7

“You could say that the roles are kind of reversed now.”

dog 8

Looks like these two were a match made in Heaven! Find out more on Bored Panda.

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