How dog stairs can help a dog with arthritis

Dog Arthritis Stairs How to Help a Dog with Arthritis at Home

The most common health problem in older dogs is related to their joints, and chances are if you have a dog with arthritis, you will probably want to save them from that pain. A lot of canine parents have found pet stairs for dogs to help these animals in pain every time they need to climb into a car, onto the bed and any other elevated area.

Arthritis in dogs is caused when the smooth cartilage that covers and protects the bones of the joint begins to break down. Once the bones are exposed, they begin to rub on each other and this will cause a lot of discomfort for a dog with arthritis. There are many factors that can cause joint problems in dogs, but often it is simply due to the wear and tear of your pet’s joints. In other words, there’s not that much you can do in the first place to completely prevent this disease (although dog supplements have been used with somewhat good results).

Video: A sure way to help a dog suffering arthritis and hip dysplasia.

The biggest problem is that usually, first signs of arthritis are difficult to spot in your pooch. Most owners will only notice an arthritic dog once the disease progresses a little further and your pet begins having trouble getting up in the morning, climbing stairs, jumping. You’ll start seeing your Fido being in pain and not eager to move as much as she used to. Having said that, if your dog has developed arthritis, this doesn’t mean that her quality of life should suffer, and there are things that can help improve the situation.

How can dog stairs help your arthritic dog?

dog with arthritis
4 main points for dog with arthritis.

Dog stais will take off the pressure

Commonly referred to as degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis, this canine ailment has no definite cure and can be very painful for your pooch. The biggest problem here is your dog’s lifestyle. Most canines enjoy running around and climbing things, being active, and they will attempt to continue with this for as long as they can.

But climbing or jumping up and down off furniture, beds, and in and out of vehicles can be very hard on your dog’s joints. Think of all the pressure that’s being placed on the joints when your dog’s entire body weight is dropped down on them from a few feet in the air. Pet steps, stairs or ramps for dogs with arthritis can take this pressure off your canine’s joints and extend the life of their cartilages by ensuring that your dog climbs up and down step by step, gradually distributing her weight onto her joints.

Pet Stairs How to Help a Dog with Arthritis at Home
Voted #1 Dog Steps! Pet Studio Pine Frame Ramp

They also provide additional assistance

Dog steps will give your Fido a sturdy and stable surface that she can use to gradually get up and down off furniture and in and out of vehicles. You’ll received the added bonus of not having to hurt yourself by lifting her up and down every time she needs help.

Steps for dogs with arthritis are becoming so common that you can usually find them in the pet section of most department stores now.

How to choose the right dog stairs

The first thing you will need to do before purchasing a set of good dog steps for your canine with arthritis is to measure how high up the surface your dog will need to climb. Then simply choose a set of steps that is slightly lower than the desired height, so your dog can climb up with ease.

Video: Dog Pain Relief, Joint Relief for Dogs, Arthritis for Dog - ActivPhy Testimonials

Dog steps can be made from foam, wood, or hard plastic. Some are really sturdy and absolutely amazing in terms of quality and ergonomics. Others are substantially cheaper in terms of quality, but will do the primary job nonetheless.

The weight of your dog with arthritis when making your choice, and their behavior. Learn about them, use dog training books and similar resources. Heavier dogs could sink into foam steps such as Pet Stairs Petstairz 6 Step High Density Foam Pet Step which would actually make it harder for them to access the desired area (although, foam steps are absolutely AMAZING for smaller and medium breeds as they are even more gentle for dogs with arthritis).

Video: Dog Steps for Bed - Homemade

Another important thing to remember is that older dog with arthritis can have a very hard time on slippery surfaces, so be sure that the steps you purchase have a textured or carpeted strip on each step to prevent slipping, like the Pet Studio Pine Frame Dog Ramp Steps has.

Also remember to consider the height of each steps for dogs with arthritis and how deep they are. Dogs prefer deep steps with plenty of room to maneuver, whereas other smaller pets like cats might enjoy the narrow stairs either for bed, car or other places. For dogs, normally, ideal step sizes are between 6” to 8” high and 10” to 12” deep.

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