Let’s talk: what are dog ear mites and how to get rid of them naturally

Video: Dog Ear Medicine For Treatment of Ear Mites in Dogs Naturally

Let`s Talk - What Are Dog Ear Mites and How to Naturally Get Rid of ThemHappy Wednesday! For many of us, this week was the time to get back to work after all the holiday fun and mayhem. Office parties are over and there isn’t another three day weekend in sight. For some of us, the stress of getting back to work is escalated by the thought of our new puppy at home all alone. If you were one of the many families that received a new Christmas puppy, check out the column that I wrote last week about choosing a name for your new dog.

This week I’m ready to get back on track with a more serious discussion. I want to talk about ear mites in dogs. These parasites are quite common, but there are a lot of misconceptions about them. They don’t come from dirty environments or animals infested with other parasites like fleas. In fact, ear mites are extremely contagious, and dogs typically catch them from outdoor cats.

Possibly the most common misconception about ear mites is that they only live in the ears. They can actually survive anywhere on your dog’s body.

There are several different types of mites that can infest the ear canals of your dog. The same types of mites can affect both dogs and cats, so you need to be especially careful if you have a multi-pet household. Humans are not affected by ear mites. Though you and your vet may be curious, it isn’t important to diagnose the type of mite in order to treat it.

What Are Dog Ear Mites and How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

How to deal with dog ear mites naturally

Ear mites in dogs will lead to scratching around the ears and shaking the head. The worse the infestation is, the worse the symptoms. If the infestation is severe enough, it could even lead to bleeding in the ear canal. This bleeding could eventually cause a yeast or bacterial infection if not treated.

In extreme cases that were untreated for a long time, ear mites have caused permanent damage to the ear canal and hearing loss. Although they are a common problem, you need to take them very seriously.

The most common ear mites, known as Otodectes Cynotis, are eight-legged parasites that eat the oils and wax in your dog’s ears. You would have to look extremely closely to see a single mite. Large groups of them can easily be mistaken as dirt or wax buildup in the ear.

Each mite has a three week life cycle, but they breed like fleas. Your dog will be infested before you know it if you don’t take care of the problem as soon as it arises. If you suspect that your dog may be suffering from ear mites, keep your eyes open for these common symptoms:

  • Excessive scratching or rubbing of his ears
  • Shaking his head often
  • A brown or black waxy secretion
  • Inflammation inside or on the exterior of the ear
  • A strange odor coming from inside the ear
  • A coffee-ground looking discharge or dried blood inside the ear

How to Get Rid of Ear Mites in Dogs

How to get rid of ear mites in dogs

Certain bacterial infections can mimic the signs of ear mites, so if you’re unsure as to what exactly is going on inside your dog’s ears you’ll want to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. However, because ear mites are contagious you may very well know when and how your dog contracted the parasites.

A few years ago one of our boxers got ear mites from an outdoor cat while we were visiting family. The dog, Maddie, began scratching her ears shortly after we returned home from our trip and I suspected something was up since she had never had any ear trouble before.

Sure enough, a few days later I received a phone call from the cat’s owner who informed me that her cat had been diagnosed with ear mites and the vet told her that they were extremely contagious and she should warn me to look for signs. I made the decision to treat my dog at home, and you may make the same choice.

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