Metronidazole and your dog

The following are real life questions about Metronidazole use in Dogs that have been treated by Dr. Mike Richards, DVM.

Video: Winston's adverse reaction to Metronidazole

Problems with Metronidazole Long Term
Metronidazole and Possible Liver Damage
Metronidazole - Flagyl
Metronidazole and Cancer

Problems with Metronidazole Long Term


Video: How To Give Oral Suspension To Your Cat or Dog

Could the frequent use of Metronidazol (for Giardia) be as `hazardous` as the use of Pred., for causing Cushing`s- like symptoms? There are numerous symptoms that indicate the possibility of Cushing`s -- how many of them do you believe a dog should have, before it`s reasonable to test for it? I.e., if a breed (that is uncharactistic of having Cushing`s) does not eat, drink, or urinate excessively, but is experiencing some hair loss and skin thinning (at a Sr. age), would you test for Cushing`s?


I have not seen Cushing`s like syndromes using metronidazole. The only long term problem that I know of with metronidazole use is that it is thought to be carcinogenic in some lab animals and possibly in humans, with long term use. This has not been proven to occur in pets but it might be a problem.

I usually don`t test for Cushing`s disease unless clinical symptoms are occurring that have to be corrected in order to make the patient comfortable or unless the client asks me to, prior to that time when we include it in a list of possible differentials. I would probably test if there was bilateral hair loss and other hormonal diseases, especially hypothyroidism, have been ruled out.

Video: Winston's adverse reaction to Metronidazole 2

Read our overview of Metronidazole for Dogs.

Metronidazole and Possible Liver Damage


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