Teaching your puppy to stop biting

Video: How to Train a PUPPY to STOP BITING


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Natural Puppy Behavior

If you have recently adopted a new puppy into your home, you are sure to notice that they are full of energy and very playful. It is natural for your puppy to spend most of his waking hours investigating his new surroundings with not only his eyes and nose but also his mouth.

You have most likely noticed, while handling and playing with your new little friend, that he is apt to mouth your hands and from time to time even nip or try to chew on your fingers along with any other objects that he can reach. Since a puppy does not have hands to manipulate what they find in their surroundings they use their mouths instead.

This is very normal behavior and is not initially indicative of a difficult or aggressive animal. This kind of behavior tends to lessen some as they mature and grow but it is important to teach them from an early age that it is appropriate to treat people gently.

Many dog behaviorists believe that if a puppy is taught to recognize human skin as sensitive and to be treated gently, then he will not bite so hard as to break skin even when put in a situation where he is reacting from fear or pain.

Teaching your puppy from an early age that rough or aggressive biting is not acceptable can provide a foundation for a wonderful and enjoyable relationship for years to come.


Difference Between Biting/Nipping And Aggression In Your Puppy

When approaching the idea of teaching your puppy which behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable, it is important to remember that ‘mouthing’ (the simple act of putting their mouth onto your skin without bearing down) is natural to a puppy and, at their young, energetic age, is how they play and explore.

Video: Teach Your Puppy to Stop Biting

If you observe a group of puppies in play you will notice that they mouth each other constantly. You will also likely notice that it is during this time that they begin to learn what is acceptable and what is not.

If one puppy bites down too hard on a sibling, the offended pup will let out a yelp and often stop playing. They may even avoid the offender temporarily.

They also may respond by biting back forcibly enough to let the instigator know they didn’t like what just happened. In this way the pup that did the harm learns that their behavior results in a negative reaction and he will eventually learn to modify their play to avoid offense and the temporary loss of their playmate.

This behavior is quite different from nipping or biting which is more aggressive and can be painful. Signs of worrisome behavior include stiff posture, low continued growling along with fixed eye contact that appears as if your puppy is ‘glaring’ at you angrily.

Depending on your dog breed (and even your individual puppy) you may encounter some or none of these signs. This is one reason why it is important to research dog breeds and their accompanying tendencies and temperaments when deciding on what kind of puppy you will bring into your home.

Methods For Teaching Your Puppy Not To Bite

dog-634204_1280The act of controlling their mouth and teeth is called mouth inhibition or bite inhibition.

The most ideal situation is for a puppy to stay with it’s mom and litter for the first 10 weeks of its life, during which it will begin to learn from it’s siblings about bite inhibition. Once this time is over and the puppy is taken to its new home, training can be established for continued learning.

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