Understanding viral cat eye infection

A viral cat eye infection is also known as conjunctivitis, and is a condition that needs immediate attention due to the severe implications it may have.

Most of the cat eye infections are caused by the feline herpevirus 1, and chlamidiosis, which is a bacterial disease. The infected eyes are red and there is a transparent discharge from the eyes. The treatment and particular symptoms of the viral cat eye infections depend on the virus that has caused the infection.

Feline Herpesvirus 1 Conjunctivitis

Feline herpesvirus 1 can cause conjunctivitis. It is a contagious disease and can be treated with eye drops. The virus also causes ulcerative keratitis, the inflammation of the cornea or dry eyes.

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Feline Panleukopenia Eye Infection

Panleukopenia is a highly contagious and hazardous disease. If the cat gets all the prescribed vaccines, he is not prone to getting infected with panleukopenia. However, the disease is common in feral cats.

Panleukopenia is also signaled by fever, diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting and lack of energy. It causes eye infections and even eye lesions.

Feline panleukopenia cannot be treated, but may be prevented through vaccination.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

FIP - feline infectious peritonitis will cause inflammation of the cornea and may also cause pus discharges from the eye. FIP is a fatal disease and cats in this condition have only a couple of months to live. The vet will prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication or steroids such as Prednisone to relieve the pain and inflammations that cause discomfort.

Feline Leukaemia Complex

Feline leukaemia complex is an infectious disease that may affect the eyes. Leukemia means that there is an increased number of white blood cells that eliminate the red ones. Other symptoms of leukemia include anemia, lack of appetite, vomiting and weight loss. The feline leukaemia complex is not a treatable condition.

Feline Calcivirus

All cats must be vaccinated for feline calcivirus. Calcivirus causes respiratory infections and conjunctivitis. The cat will have fever, runny nose and red eyes.

Calcivirus can be treated with antibiotics.

FIV - Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

The feline immunodeficiency virus is the cat`s HIV. The virus is transmitted through bites and blood. The disease weakens the immune system and the cat is more susceptible to diseases.

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FIV has symptoms such as fever, lack of appetite, lack of energy, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, gingivitis and chronic infections.

FIV cannot be treated but may be managed with antiviral drugs, transfusions and therapy. The secondary infections must be kept under control.

Viral Cat Eye Infection Treatment

Each of these infections has a treatment that is specific to the main cause of the infection. The treatment consists of antibiotics, eye drops and steroids in some cases. Natural remedies and eye drops may be found in health pet stores. Talk to your vet before administrating any type of treatment to your cat.

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