You gotta see these two dogs talking to each other over skype

Video: 2 Siberian Huskies Skype - Mishka & Laika

Over the years, we have witnessed the progress and innovation of amazing technological inventions. From analog phones, we now have smartphones and tablets with touchscreen technology. So we humans adapt to these technologies and we’ve learned to use them and make them part of our day to day activities.

Video: Mishka the Talking Husky and Laika Debate Art - SUBTITLED

But it’s not just humans who have learned to use these amazing inventions. Dogs are learning to use them too! And as you can see in the video below, these two dogs have figured out how to keep in touch through video-calling! Watch the video below and see these two dogs talking to each other over Skype!

Video: Cat Talking, Translation

I wonder what these two are saying to each other…hmm…Can anyone translate please?

If you have any idea what these two are talking about, leave a comment a below!

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