This guy has a clever way of leading his dog into the bathtub!

Video: We got into a bathtub full of liquid glass thinking putty!

Most dogs are scared of bath time. I don’t know why they love to play with water and yet they feel like it’s the end of the world when it’s bath time. Some dogs would hide or run away when it’s time for a bath. But this guy found a clever way to lure his dog into the bath tub.

The guy lays out a trail of treats for his Bulldog named Porkchop to follow. And this trail leads to the bath tub! Do you think Porkchop will fall for this trick? Check out the video below!

Source: Trail of treats leads English Bulldog to delicious snack by DanDP on Rumble

Video: 50 Lush Bath Bombs

“Ooh! A piece of candy! Ooh! A piece of candy!” Porkchop definitely fell for that one!

How about you? How do you get your dog into the tub when it’s time for a bath? Share your ideas with us in the comments section below!

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