
Pyoderma in dogs

Pyoderma in dogs

How long does a dog live?

How long does a dog live?

Hip dysplasia in dogs

Hip dysplasia in dogs

My dog hates getting her teeth brushed, what other options are there?

My dog hates getting her teeth brushed, what other options are there?

Where does all that ear discharge come from?

Where does all that ear discharge come from?

Removing and preventing ticks

Removing and preventing ticks

Plastic surgery for dogs- oye vay!

Plastic surgery for dogs- oye vay!

Natural flea and tick prevention and remedies

Natural flea and tick prevention and remedies

Just brushing your dog can help alleviate itchy skin

Just brushing your dog can help alleviate itchy skin

Healing essential oils for your dog

Healing essential oils for your dog

Five steps to minimize your dog’s noise phobia

Five steps to minimize your dog’s noise phobia

Fighting fleas!

Fighting fleas!

Does your dog have flea allergy dermatitis?

Does your dog have flea allergy dermatitis?

Clean dogs are healthy dogs!

Clean dogs are healthy dogs!

5 Things to think about when grooming an older dog

5 Things to think about when grooming an older dog

Using echinacia, prickly ash bark & myrrh to keep your dog’s teeth clean!

Using echinacia, prickly ash bark & myrrh to keep your dog’s teeth clean!

Try ‘shampoo therapy’ to help your dog’s itchy skin

Try ‘shampoo therapy’ to help your dog’s itchy skin

The many benefits of lavender

The many benefits of lavender

Probiotics and canine dental care

Probiotics and canine dental care

Is your dog’s licking and scratching all night driving you insane?

Is your dog’s licking and scratching all night driving you insane?

Is your dog overweight? Canine obesity is on the rise

Is your dog overweight? Canine obesity is on the rise

Is your dog making you sick?

Is your dog making you sick?

How tartar forms on my dog’s teeth and what I can do to prevent it

How tartar forms on my dog’s teeth and what I can do to prevent it

Does my dog need vitamins?

Does my dog need vitamins?

Cold-weather dog bathing- a chilling thought

Cold-weather dog bathing- a chilling thought

What to do with dogs who won’t eat

What to do with dogs who won’t eat

Should you give your dog a bone?

Should you give your dog a bone?

Should I brush my dog’s teeth?

Should I brush my dog’s teeth?

New doggie dental wipes!

New doggie dental wipes!

Is your dog’s scratching just a nervous habit?

Is your dog’s scratching just a nervous habit?

Is your dog lame?

Is your dog lame?

Is your dog a sun worshipper?

Is your dog a sun worshipper?

How to wash a really dirty dog

How to wash a really dirty dog

Help your hot dog beat the heat

Help your hot dog beat the heat

Happytails & cain & able are merging!

Happytails & cain & able are merging!

Does your dog have gingivitis?

Does your dog have gingivitis?

Does my dog have canine dental disease?

Does my dog have canine dental disease?

Brushing your dog’s teeth can add 5 years to her life!

Brushing your dog’s teeth can add 5 years to her life!

Your dog’s skin during an allergic reaction

Your dog’s skin during an allergic reaction

Why is my dog so itchy and what can I do to help?

Why is my dog so itchy and what can I do to help?