5 Obedience commands all dogs need to know

Off: One of the most common calls I get from puppy/dog owners is how to get their dog to stop jumping on people and objects in the home. The simple way to address this is with the “Off” command. “Off” communicates to your dog to get down from what they are on and have all four paws on the floor.

Video: The 5 Basic Commands All Dogs Should Know

This addresses your dog’s issues of taking items off tables/counters and jumping when your dog is excited to meet guests. More than likely your dog has no intent to injure someone, but they may accidently scratch or knock someone over (the elderly or young children are most susceptible to this).

Does your dog know how to properly greet guests? Here’s an example of where “Off” can be used:

Video: How to teach ANY dog to Come when called!

Take advantage of National Train Your Dog Month and use these five obedience commands to help make your life easier and provide your dog more enjoyable freedom.

Video: Alpha Dog Obedience Training - Basic Steps to Train Your Dog

Steve Reid is a Certified Dog Trainer and owner of S.R. Dog Training in Somers, NY. For more information about S.R. Dog Training, visit srdogtraining.comorfacebook.com/SRDogTraining.

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