Dog snoring: why dogs snore, remedies and treatments

Snoring refers to a loud grunting sound produced by vibrations occurring on the soft palate. It is mainly caused by obstruction of air movement while sleeping. Dog snoring can at times be so loud it keeps the owner awake. This brings us to the questions “Why do dogs snore and is it normal?” Below we explore the causes of dog snoring, how to stop it and when you should seek medical attention for your pet over loud snoring.

Dog Snoring

Do dogs snore? A snoring partner is annoying. It is unlikely for their snoring to go unnoticed. You may have watched videos and memes of dog snoring and wondered whether dogs really snore. Well, just like humans, dogs snore. In most cases though, this may go unnoticed as we are used to hearing them do so even when awake making us oblivious of the condition.

While dog snoring may simply be an annoyance, at times it could be indicative of serious health issues. It is therefore important to learn when to check in with your veterinarian so as to ensure everything is okay. Below we discuss various causes of snoring in dogs.

Why Do Dogs Snore or Why Does My Dog Snore -Reasons Why Dogs Snore

Some common questions in our online forum normally are “why do dogs snore or why does my dog snore?” in case it does so consistently and “why is my dog snoring?” where the condition just developed. Below we delve into the reasons why dogs snore and when you should be concerned about it.

Video: Dog snoring loud

Genetic Predisposition

There are some dog breeds that are predisposed to snoring due to their being brachycephalic. This means they have a broad short skull and a short snout which are genetically acquired. As a result the breathing passage is short making them snore which makes the moving of air in and out problematic. Such breeds include:

  • Shih Tzu
  • English Bulldogs
  • Pugs
  • Boxers
  • Boston terriers
  • Pekinese

Sleeping Position

The positioning of your pet’s body while sleeping also determines if a dog snores. Its positioning will determine its ease of breathing.

Dog snoring from sleeping facing up
Sleeping facing up can cause dog snoring

Dogs that sleep curled up or on their stomach are less likely to snore compared to those that love to sleep on their backs. In such instances, changing their sleeping position would help ease their breathing and stop snoring.

Dental Problems

Dental problems can lead to problems extending to the nasal passage. A bad tooth could cause an abscess that extends into the sinus passage making the dog snore. Where dental problems are left untreated, they could cause infections beyond the mouth into other parts of the body.


Obesity is not only bad for the human being- it can also affect your dog negatively causing it to snore. Generally obesity causes breathing problems. With plump dogs, it so happens that as the dog inhales and exhales, the trachea rings slum shut. This leads to snoring in dogs as they sleep.

Allergic Reactions

Dog allergies are common and dogs will react to dander, dust, and pollen. Allergic dogs will find it hard to breath when they encounter these causing snoring. To reduce this kind of snoring ensure that you get rid of your dog’s allergens.


The presence of a foreign object in the throat or nose will see the nasal cavities blocked. This will make breathing difficult and lead to snoring during sleep.

Second Hand Smoke

While it may not be obvious, some lifestyle practices we adopt have an impact on our pets. Smoking for example has negative effects on the dog’s respiratory system and could lead to asthma and bronchitis in addition to snoring.

Video: How to stop dog Snoring


Dogs are subject to dog colds which could cause stuffy nose. This may result in inflammation and irritation of the mucus membranes. They could be caused by trauma, infection or fungus. As a result, other secondary symptoms such as sneezing, labored breathing and sneezing will be experienced.

Certain Medication

There are some muscle relaxants, painkillers, tranquilizers, antihistamines and sedatives and that could have such a great relaxing effect on your pet that the throat muscles loosen up. This leads to temporary dog snoring which should clear once the medication is out of the dog’s system.


This is a fungal infection caused by inhalation of mold spores found in grass, compost piles and hay. These molds enter the body through the nasal cavity causing an irritation on its lining.

Dog Cold

Just like human common cold, dogs too get colds. This results in sniffles, irritation and inflammation. When a dog suffers the cold it will experience wheezing, sneezing and snoring.

How To Stop Dog Snoring Or How To Stop A Dog From Snoring – Dog Snoring Remedies

There are various ways on how to stop dog snoring. The method adopted should be determined by what the cause is. Below are some dog snoring remedies.

  1. Where your dog is snoring because of allergic reactions, ensure his bedding is cleaned every day. In case you have to walk him, do so when the pollen level is low. Vacuum clean your house regularly to eliminate allergens.
  2. Exercise can be a dog snoring remedy where the reason for it is its being overweight. Get your pet to shed some weight by engaging it in appropriate exercise.
  3. Where your dog is not a regular snorer but gets to snow when sleeping in certain positions, try to turn him to unblock the nasal passage. You could settle for a round bed for him to allow him curl up as opposed to sleeping facing up. This way his airways will remain open.
  4. Allow your dog to use a pillow while sleeping to ease his snoring.
  5. If you have not had enough reasons to stop smoking, do it for your dog. If this is hard, do not smoke close to your dog as the secondary smoke could be causing the snoring.
  6. For cases where the cause of snoring is dog colds or infections of the airways, medication can help. There are anti-inflammatory and decongestive drugs that go a long way in clearing up buildup mucous. There also are those that can help to shrink swollen tissues in the nasal passage allowing for easy movement of air. Antihistamine drugs can help stop snoring resulting from allergic reactions.
  7. Where the snoring is as a result of genetics and there isn’t much you can do, have him sleep in a different room to allow you have a good night’s sleep. A simple snout surgery in their puppy years can help stop the dog snoring in breeds predisposed to the condition. Talk to your vet about the same.

When to See a Vet for Dog Snoring

In addition to snoring, a dog may exhibit other symptoms that should be indicative of a health concern.

  • In case your dog snores a lot and does not respond to the remedies for dog snoring suggested above, book an appointment with your vet for further examination.
  • If your dog is not the snoring type and develops sudden snoring without other visible symptoms, have him checked to ascertain there are no objects in his nasal cavity causing obstruction, cysts or tumors.
  • Where your dog snores more than usual should also be a warning sign to have him checked.

To aid in explaining the snoring to your vet, it is advisable to video record and take pictures of the dog while at it. This will make explaining the snoring easier for you. Below is a funny You Tube video showing dogs snoring while sleeping as well as awake.

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