5 Things to do if your dog is paralyzed

What to Do if Your Dog is Paralyzed

In order for our bodies (or in this case our dog’s bodies) to move, the brain, spine, nerves and muscles all have to work together. Nerves transmit signals from the brain to the body and vice versa. If there is a glitch in the system somewhere, then the messages won’t make it to their destination and you (or in this case your dog) won’t be able to move. This is when a dog is paralyzed.

I know this is an extremely basic explanation, but just bear with me. Any type of trauma that effects the nerves in your pet’s body can effect his ability to move. Sometimes, the damage is extensive and full paralysis will be experienced. Other times, the damage is mild and there may still be some use of the limbs.

Breeds that are more prone to developing conditions that cause canine paralysis include:

  • Basset Hounds
  • Dachshunds
  • Welch Corgis
  • German Shepherds
  • Boxers
  • Irish Setters
  • Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

Seeing your dog (or any dog) unable to move is a terrifying and emotional experience. While I hope you never have to go through it, there are a few things you should know to be prepared in case the worst were to happen. If you find your dog unable to move, there are five things you should do right away to help make sure you take the best care of your friend.

Things to Do if Your Dog is Paralyzed

Things to Do if Your Dog is Paralyzed

1. Stay Calm

While this is probably the most impossible thing on this list, it’s really important that you don’t freak out and lose your mind when you see your dog in a paralyzed state. You have to be able to think clearly and analyze the situation, or you could make a wrong move and cause more damage.

Right now, the worst thing you could do is pick up your dog and try to get him to move.

Just like when a human gets injured, we are told not to move them in case they have a spinal or neck injury- the same goes for dogs. Often, when the dog is paralyzed, the state of paralysis is caused by some sort of trauma, and you have to figure out what that is before you can take any next steps.

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2. Check Your Dog From Top to Bottom

Things to Do if Your Dog is ParalyzedIf your dog is conscious, try to keep him calm by talking while you explore his skin and fur from head to toe. If someone else is with you, have that person work alongside you so you can get the job done faster. When your dog becomes paralyzed suddenly, time is of the essence.

Look for any bumps, cuts, bulges, and especially bug bites or ticks. If you find any bugs or ticks, remove them immediately and then call the vet. Make sure you take note of what the bug or tick looks like, in case there is venom the vet needs to be aware of.

You also need to put the pest in a resealable zipper baggy. Bring it with you to your veterinarian’s office in case they want to send it to the lab for testing.

If you don’t find anything, call the vet and ask how to carry your dog to the car without causing further damage. If there’s nothing indicating what is wrong, you don’t want to hurt your furry friend on the way to get help.

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