25 Most serious dog health symptoms that cannot be ignored

Most Serious Dog Health Symptoms That Cannot Be Ignored

Dogs can be very good at hiding illnesses from their owners. They get this from their ancestors that used to hide when they were sick, as a sick dog was vulnerable out in the wild. Sometimes the symptoms they are showing don’t seem severe enough to warrant a trip to the vet, but there are some dog health symptoms that cannot be ignored.

Our dogs are more than pets, they are precious members of our family, and we have to always be on the lookout for any symptoms and changes in our dog’s behavior that may be cause for concern. If you’re an attentive owner, chances are you spend hours each day observing your pet without even realizing it. It’s likely that you’ll notice a change in his normal behavior almost instantly.


There are many symptoms to look out for that may indicate there’s a problem. But how do we know which ones should be checked by a veterinarian? This is largely a judgement call for you, but a quick phone call to your vet is a good starting point. There are certain dog health symptoms that cannot be ignored and should be checked immediately by your vet.

25 Most Serious Dog Health Symptoms That Cannot Be Ignored

Dog Health Symptoms That Cannot Be Ignored1. Difficulty Urinating

If your dog is having difficulty urinating this could mean that there is a blockage or possibly a urinary tract infection. Excessive urination or straining when trying to urinate could also be symptoms of a tumor.

2. Drinking too much

If your dog is drinking excessively along with gagging, diarrhea and tightness of the stomach this could be what’s known as bloat, which is also known as gastric torsion.

Drinking too much can also be a symptom of liver disease, diabetes and also bladder stones. When walking your dog keep an eye on just how much urine he is passing. It’s a clearly one of the dog health symptoms that cannot be ignored.

3. Lethargy

There are many reasons as to why your dog may be lethargic, and these could include urinary tract infections and heart worms. These conditions will cause your dog to be sleepy, and he will be moving around a lot less than usual.

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Most Serious Dog Health Symptoms That Cannot Be Ignored

4. Scooting

If your dog is scooting on the floor then this could be an indication of worms, a trip to the vet is definitely necessary. Scooting can also be a sign of fluid that may have built up in your dog’s anal sacs. Your vet will be able to drain the anal sacs for you.

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5. Weight loss

If your dog has lost weight, and quite quickly too, then this could be a sign of many conditions including loss of smell, a nervous system disease, digestive diseases, liver disease, cancer and also diabetes.

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