11 Ways you may be unintentionally shortening your dog’s life

5. Not Providing Enough Mental & Physical Exercise

Dogs require physical and mental stimulation on a daily basis in order to maintain a healthy weight and keep them out of potentially hazardous mischief. Aside from having healthier cardiac and respiratory health, well exercised pups are far less likely to tear up your favorite T-shirt or swallow a pair of your socks.


Another added bonus: humans who exercise with their dogs tend to maintain a healthier weight themselves.

6. Pushing Certain Breeds Too Hard

Although exercise is extremely important, it’s also crucial that you know your dog’s limits. Brachycephalic breeds like Pugs, English Bulldogs, Shih Tzus and Pekingese tend to have more respiratory issues and are more likely to develop heat stroke than their longer muzzled cousins.


Obese dogs, pups with flat muzzles, and those with existing medical conditions like spinal problems should receive veterinary approval before beginning an exercise routine.

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